- "We are in a Civil War!" The pundits are finally catching up with TRP!!
- "DJT our beloved Commander in Chief" will lead us to victory!! ..."He will not go down like Julius Caesar... stabbed in the back by the Senate!!" ..."there are no kings in Rome...this is a Republic!!"
- The tidal wave of Anti-Trump propaganda from the "Ministry of Lies" would make Dr. Josef Goebbels beam with pride!
- Democrats continue their last stand, placing all their hopes on the "Russian fantasy!" ..."scumbags do your job!!!"
- "The Republicans can go to hell!! The party of cowards!!! Aren't they the majority party?!?!"
- "The people are stronger than any party!! WE are behind DJT!!! WE have the power!!! WE'LL do what we want!!! It's time the Left gets slapped in the face a few times!!!"
- "John McCain...switch parties or croak!! Put your fat daughter on a diet first!!"
- Why the Left needed to get rid of Spiro Agnew before Richard Nixon! They still use the same ole Watergate play book today...
- "Anthony Weiner... the perfect definition of a degenerate!!"
- Michael Weiner rips off TRP again!! Proof on the (3/3/17) TRP podcast! "Attacking DJT is an attack on US!" ...you're welcome Mike...
Your phone calls and much much more!!! @ 1-718-761-9996!
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