Saturday, August 26, 2017

TRP! (8/25/17)

  • Consumer sentiment is at it's highest point in months!! ...All thanks to DJT "the Alpha Male President!!" ..."The Man who loves America!" ..."He's doing exactly what he promised he would do and the American people are responding to his message!!" ..."He told us we would win!" ..."We're not tired of winning yet but we sure are winning!!" ...He is undoing the acts of outright treason by the "Foreign Occupier!!"
  • We had 8 years of anger, depression, and hatred of America from the "Foreign Occupation Regime!!" ..."Hatred for the Free Market!!" ..."America was not only economically depressed but psychologically depressed!!" ..."Everything was our fault and nothing was his fault! All he did was bad talk America here and around the world!!"
  • "The Left is apoplectic and acting like the ole Soviet Bolsheviks!!" ..."If we don't believe in Socialism or follow their lead we are mentally unhinged!!"
  • "Fat, Drunk, and Stupid" suffers from Freudian "missile envy!!" and fears "our Great President DJT!!!"
  • The mob now officially rules!! These people are nuts!!! ...ESPN's decision to pull announcer "Robert Lee" from game sparks outcry!!
  • "The South had every right to secede from the voluntary union they joined!!"
  • The Left refused to honor the 500th anniversary of the great Cristoforo Colombo!! ..."If you start with the supposition that America was started with a criminal act then all of America's history is an illegal act!!" ...Andrew "the-man-who-would-be-eating-out-of-garbage-cans-if-it-wasn't for-his-father" Cuomo mulls taking down the beautiful statue of "the greatest explorer the world has ever known!!"
  • The Left is throwing our proud history down the "memory hole!!" ...Frank references the book, The Commissar Vanishes: The Falsification of Photographs and Art in Stalin's Russia to show just some of their tactics!
  • The Left comes up with arcane and silly titles like "antifa" ...but ask any one of them the definition of fascism and watch their eyes gloss over!! ...If they did untie their tongues long enough to come up with something they simply would be describing themselves or Cuba!!
  • They're getting rid of our great hero's statues... what's next?...will they start burning books?!?! Just like in "the cultural revolution" under Mao roaming mobs take to the streets to destroy the culture...
  • The late great Dr. Robert Conquest said in his book, Reflections on a Ravaged Century, "in the West 'the tree of liberty' is pruned... under Bolshevism they want to chop it down!!"
  • It's time "our Glorious President DJT" resurrects the "Fairness Doctrine" to deal with the Left-wing "Media Criminals!!"...Use the Left's own tactics against them!! For every Left-wing scum bag that says something against DJT on air, we want to see the fair and balanced "Right side" presented or we shut them down!!!!
  • White supremacy?? More like Islamic supremacy!!
  • The heroic pardon of Joe Arpaio by "the man of action President!!"
  • George Foreman smacks down Colin Kaepernick!!
  • Ron from Joliet, Illinois gets his Solutrean name... "He who dodges bullets!!"
  • Visit the site!
Your phone calls and much much more!!! @ 1-718-761-9996!

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Saturday, August 19, 2017

TRP! (8/18/17)

  • The Left continues to divert and obstruct "the will of the people and our mandate!!" by "inventing chimeras and constructing flimsy straw man arguments!!!" ...There really are no words to describe the vile acts of these "media criminals!!" ..."The Left has a herd/animal mentality and are in a feeding frenzy!!"
  • Frank's "gift of the prophecy" continues as he predicted years ago with Barry Farber that the "bags of human garbage" on the Left would go after the Great Confederate leaders and their statutes!!
  • The "many sided rabble of Left-wing Socialism" take to the streets of Charlottesville!!! ..."Our Great President DJT" was absolutely correct!!! ...The Left has set up the straw man argument that the "White National Socialists" are "Right-wing" ...but we properly understand they were and are just "two sides of the same Socialist spectrum!!!"
  • "More people have died due to class hatred than ever died because of racial or religious bigotry!!!" ..."Where is the museum for the victims of class warfare?!?!" ..."Socialism is a formula for genocide!! it thrives off of death!!!" ...Socialism is "something-for-nothing-ism!!" ..."A pact with the devil!!" ...John of SI has always said, "Nazis were the best thing that ever happened to the Left!!!" ..."Socialism elevates the 'mental-midget dregs of society' to positions of power..."
  • The "ordinary and typical Muhammadans" are at it again in Spain!!! ..."Where will these bastards strike next?!?!"
  • "Once you defeat the Left (fair and square or not) you will forever be vilified by the Left!!!"
  • Force, violence, and coercion is the "only way" of the Left!!! ...The "actual, real, and true American Right" (those that believe in the Enlightenment, the "Right-wing Founding Fathers", freedom, liberty, Federalism, Free Enterprise, and individual rights) have never been violent and only use force when it is necessary to "restore ordered liberty!!"
  • "Our Glorious President DJT" gives voice to the frustration of the American people!! The people of the "fly over country" are angry!!! ..."Our mandate is being obstructed!!!" ..."The party that is supposed to be fighting for us is ignoring the will of the people!!"
  • "Those who control the past control the present! Those who control the present control the future!!"
  • "Big-pussy & whoremonger" Schwarzenegger produces a moronic and sophomoric twitter video dedicated to "terminating hate" ..."How about starting on the Left?!? circus freak/muscle bound idiot!!!" ..."Real courage comes from the heart's & brain's of reasonable men!!"
  • "The recent wave of attacks on Western Culture were started by the Left in the early 90's when they then viciously attacked and attempted to discredit the legacy of the great Cristoforo Colombo!!!"
  • The "Sally Hemmings myth" was created by Left-wing Hamiltonian political hack James Callender!!!
  • William Ellison a free negro and former slave owned a large plantation and more slaves than all but the richest white planters!!! (See the book Black Masters recommended below.)
The following books are discussed and are highly recommended!!!
Some facts about slavery minus the modern political correctness:
The Old South is constantly depicted as the bastion of slavery for the world pre-1866, but less than 6% of the 10.7 million total African slaves that survived being taken off that continent even made it to North America and not all to the South!...(Between 1525 and 1866, in the entire history of the slave trade to the New World, according to the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database, 12.5 million Africans were shipped to the New World. 10.7 million survived the dreaded Middle Passage, disembarking in North America, the Caribbean and South America. And how many of these 10.7 million Africans were shipped directly to North America?? Only about 388,000. That's right: a tiny percentage! And that number includes 10's of thousands of northern slaves!)....From the years 1500 to 1700 over 1 million Whites were enslaved by Arab Merchants!!....The southern slaves were worth 3 billion dollars on the eve of the "The War of Northern Aggression" (a sum greater than the value of all manufacturing and railroads in the United States at the time.) Were the top 5% that owned the vast majority of southern slaves expected to give that up without compensated emancipation??? The average white southern free hold farmer, mechanic, and artisan of the time hated competing against "free slave labor" that undercut their Free Enterprise efforts, but, they didn't want them all turned loose overnight either, to rule over them, like the Boervolk today!

Your phone calls and much much more!!! @ 1-718-761-9996!

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Saturday, August 12, 2017

TRP! (8/11/17)

  • "The Kicking Ass and Taking Names President!!" promises "fire, fury, and power!!!"
  • He puts "Drunk, Fat, and Stupid" on notice!! ..."Time to get rid of this malignancy!!!"
  • Frank coined the term "Kim crime family" years ago!! ..."Not a government but a crime organization!!" ..."Their crimes have been forgotten!!"..."extortion, kidnapping, counterfeiting, and murder!!"
  • "Left wing scum and bags of human garbage" used to say, "better Red than dead!!" ..."Communist oppression rather than nuclear war!!" ...we instead say..."better the Reds are dead!!!"
  • "We need to unleash the samurai spirit of our little yellow brothers!!"
  • BJ Clinton "was a filthy, lying, traitorous, whoremonger, that allowed America to get extorted!!" ...Susan Rice is another criminal that says we need to live with "Drunk, Fat and Stupid!!"
  • "The America First, Last, and Always President!!"..."The Man who Loves America President!!" ..."Our Glorious President DJT!!" is slashing down government regulations with a machete!!" 
  • "The politicians that are supposed to represent the people...hate the people!!"
  • Fat tub of lard Michael Moore's Broadway play gets panned by the NY Slimes!!
  • Bill Nye would make a great Nazi Commandant!!
  • Bad News for Scott from Florida!! ...Ernst Zundel dies!!
  • Great author, Denis Mack Smith, also dies...  He caused a stir by refusing to regard Italian fascism and the rise of Benito Mussolini as an aberration!

"The Anti-White Anti-Semitic Caucus!!"

Your phone calls and much much more!!! @ 1-718-761-9996!

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Saturday, August 5, 2017

TRP! (8/4/17)

  • "And the tidal wave of GOOD NEWS keeps pouring in!!! ..."Our Great President DJT" is striking back!!! ..."and it is GLORIOUS!!!"
  • When DJT was elected John proclaimed, "God has intervened on behalf of the United States!!" 
  • ..."DJT doesn't play by their rules!! Their rules don't count anymore!! He walks his own path!!" ..."He doesn't live in the DC bubble!!"
  • The "TRUMP ADMINISTRATION!!!" ... Not the "Foreign Occupation Regime!!!" ...We are still struggling under the yoke and shackle of "Obama-scam!!" ..."The Foreign Occupier was a 'historical aberration!!' and he had a venomous poisonous tongue!!" ...He was "Jimmy Carter on steroids!!!"
  • "The Can-Do spirit of the American people cannot be denied!!" ...That unwavering spirit is embodied in our "Can-Do President" DJT!!! ..."DJT connects with the American people and the Left can't stand it!!!"
  • "When DJT cuts taxes the economy will take off like you have never seen!!"
  • "Finally help has arrived!! The West coast and the Northeast can go to hell!! They will be left behind!!!"
  • WV governor Jim Justice converts and becomes a "TRUMP Republi-CAN!!!" ...That makes 34 Republican Governors!!! More than 2/3rd's of the sovereign States!! Incredible!!!
  • Despite all this...the propaganda machine of the "media criminals" still spews forth!!
  • We here on TRP are no longer referred to as "white men"... From now on we are simply "pigment deficient.."
  • "Republi-crats" like John Mc-Lame are saboteurs of the United States!!! ...Frank loathes and despises that "venal petty little turd!!" ..."A nasty bitter ole failure!!!"
  • TV advertising for the Inconvenient Truth 2 pleads for everyone to "take a stand" and buy a ticket.... This is what the Right should have done with George Mendeluk's award winning Bitter Harvest!!
Your phone calls and much much more!!! @ 1-718-761-9996!

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