Saturday, November 24, 2018

TRP! (11/23/18)

  • "Happy TRUMPSGIVING!!! to every member of the TRP Faithful!!!" ...We are most grateful and thankful for "the America First President!!! ...the Nationalist President!!! ...the Jobs President!!! & ...the Economic Miracle President!!!" ...DJT!!!
  • The invasion/flood of our southern border continues as "our Great President DJT the Defender of the Borders President!!!" provides us the only breakwater... stemming the tide of the illegal invading vermin!!!
  • "Frank is the Prophet of Alamut!!!" ...John plays his prophecies from 2/17 & 1/18 that have now become a reality in California! ..."The fires of hell are consuming that State!!" ..."He warns all sane people to flee that modern day Sodom & Gomorrah before it's too late!!!" ..."Soon... the day of final judgment is coming to that State!!!"
  • "Castro killed JFK!!!" 65 years later it remains plainly obvious...
  • "Frank predicts that our heroic border agents will be attacked by the caravan of invaders. That women and children will be used by them as human shields!!!"
  • "Those Mexican racists want the caravan out of their country!!!"
  • "Great nations don't fall from without... great nations fall from within!!!"
  • "Where was John Roberts when "the Foreign Occupier" chastised and embarrassed the Supreme Court in his now infamous State of the Union speech?!?!"
  • "Name a vile murderous dictator the Left hasn't loved!!!"
  • "DJT helps prevent Russian Alexander Prokopchuk from becoming the head of Interpol... He beats Putin once again!!! DJT will not allow Putin to use Interpol as his own repressive political police force around the wurrrld!!!"
  • "Despite the last ditch cries of voter suppression in Georgia the facts are proving the opposite is actually true... Stacey Abrams is a lying classless sore loser!!!"
  • Communist Van Jones praises DJT for helping black people!!! The Left of course turn on him!!!
  • Remember when the "Ministry of Lies" used to ask conservatives, "isn't there anything you can give President Obongo credit for!?!?" ..."Well then isn't there anything liberals can give "our great President DJT" credit for!?!?"
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