Saturday, November 10, 2018

TRP! (11/9/18)

  • A major win for "our Great President DJT!!!"  Only one time since 1934 has a new president gained seats in the Senate in his first midterm election!!! ...DJT "the Iron Wall President!!!" has accomplished this major feat at a time when judicial appointments are more important than ever!!! To compare: "the Foreign Occupier" lost 6 Senate seats in his first midterm!!! ...Key Governor races also go to Trump supporting Republicans!!! 
  • The weakling "Republi-cant's" that ran against DJT and did not accept his warm embrace paid the price as they were electorally sacrificed for their sins!!! ..."Come aboard the Trump Train or you will be left behind!!!"
  • Call it "the honorable Brett Kavanaugh effect!!!"
  • "When you can't win elections ...steal them!!!" ...The Demsheviks are now trying to undo the will of the people!!! ..."You cannot have a Republic with this type of corruption!!!" ..."This is Boss Tweed politics!!!"
  • "Oil is the life blood of our country and the pipelines are the arteries!!!"
  • "The Foreign Occupier's legacy is a legacy of dust!!!"
  • "Soon the ole bag Ginsburg will become a good red!!!"
  • "The Left are not stu-dants of history but are ignoramuses of history!!!"
  • "Thomas Jefferson warned about the dangers and corruption of the cities and the shiftless aimless mobs that lay within!!!"
  • "Don't put anything past these criminal Democrats!!!"
  • DJT uses Frank's "economic miracle" line again!!!
  • Republican Young Kim Expected To Be First Korean-American Woman Elected To Congress In Deep Blue CA!!!
  • Joyless Blowhard thinks the Senate can be gerrymandered!!! LOL!!!
  • Frank warns of Mitt Romney voting against DJT and the country!!!
  • "Congress will now become the do nothing Congress!!!"
  • "Obongo looks awful... a strung out drug addict as Frank always said..."
  • Infamous covered up photo of Obongo with Crapinthecan:
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