Sunday, February 21, 2021

TRP! (2/19/21)

  • Rush Limbaugh passes away... ...The cowardly Leftist vultures feel emboldened and attack him and his legacy immediately & relentlessly... ...Yet degenerate Larry Flint was lionized... Pathetic Slime they truly are...
  • Remember all the Ministry of Lies propagated anxiety during the AIDS panic!?!? ...The Left vehemently blamed Ronald Reagan who obviously had nothing to do with it... ...But, it was "his fault..." ..."He didn't care!!!" ..."Now think of today and notice how the same bastards refuse to blame the CCP virus on China!!!"
  • Thank gawd for DJT and his Operation Warp Speed!!! ...All while he was battered everyday by the Neo-Bolsheviks that always and forever put politics before human life!!!
  • There is too much money for Hollywood and the Left to lose with the Chi-coms... ...They will NEVER blame the Communist yellow devils for their war crimes...
  • Minister Fauci was quick to "blame" Europe though... ...LOL!!!
  • As Frank von Queens said FIRST in January 2020... ...It was purposeful "biological warfare" by the CCP!!!
  • From the Leftist Hypocrisy File: SLAVES in the United States 156 years ago BAD... SLAVES in China today... IGNORED...
  • The Left are finally starting to turn on their once beloved daytime TV star "Killer Cuomo..." ...As his crimes are becoming more toxic to them as every day passes... ...The rats are fleeing a sinking ship... ..."Hey Hey!!! Ho Ho!!! Killer Cuomo Gotta Go!!!"
  • Every time one of the Left's own is under fire they wag the dog elsewhere... ...OH NO TED CRUZ  has horns... ..."Canun! Cancun!! Cancun!!!"
  • The Governator talked tough when he won his recall election... ...But his conservatism was terminated once in office...
  • The vile Left looks to ban DJT from Arlington National Cemetery...
  • To the Left you are nothing but a statistic... ...One death is a tragedy 10,000 is a statistic... Statistics are expendable!!!
  • "The biggest slumlord in America is the Federal Government!!!"
  • Jared Stevens' instant messages are finally read...
  • Uncle Joe Biden is ready to kneel before the Parthians... ...This is the 3rd term of Obongo...
  • Dower Downer Senile Old Fart Joe Biden is all gloom and doom about the United States... He also says minorities don't know how to use the internet...
  • "Proclaim liberty through-out all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof." --Liberty Bell Inscription
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