- Assad commits a dastardly and vicious act of terrorism! ...using chemical weapons on the people of Syria!
- Our "Great President DJT"..."the Man of Action!" ...strikes back hard, fast, and decisively by unleashing American Destroyers on the Syrian military!
- Obongo attempted to "deconstruct" America!!! After 8 years of weakness and capitulation by the "Foreign Occupation Regime" ..."The United States is BACK!!!"
- "Wurrrrld Solutrean Month" kicks off with a bang!!!
- ***See our newly posted lost interview on the main page*** with the "Father of Solutrea!" Dr. Dennis Stanford, from back in 2008! ..."10 years later the Clovis hypothesis is dead!!! ...HAIL the SOLUTREAN HYPOTHESIS!!!"
- Unlike most Coast to Coast overnight whack-job notions...The Solutrean Hypothesis deals in reality! "Real archaeological evidence and fact!" ..."Not anecdotes or trace evidence!!"
- "He of the First Blood" awakens the (SSB) The "Silent Solutrean Brotherhood!!!"
- Not the "nuclear option"...simply a reinstatement of part of our constitutional system back to what it was meant to be!!
- Frank points out, just as they said in The Revenge of the Sith..."Fat Drunk and Stupid" is too dangerous to live!!
- The Left never cedes power peacefully!!
- John of SI would rather, "a German division in front of him than 10 French divisions behind him!!"
- Frank predicted over 10 years ago the "wurrrld's first nuclear exchange" would take place between India and Pakistan...
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