Sunday, October 10, 2021

TRP! (10/8/21)

  • "Hail Columbus!!! Hail Columbus!!! Hail Columbus!!!" ..."We bow our heads in gratitude to thee!!!" ..."That which was ours is ours again!!! ...Never to be taken from us again!!!"
  • We properly honor the greatest explorer and discoverer in history, the immortal Cristoforo Colombo!! ..."When he landed he brought the fruits of Western civilization to the primitive savage Beringians that occupied and stole the land from our ancestors!!!"
  • The original great explorers and true first heroic discoverers of the new world (or what we properly call new Solutrea) were proven factually by "hard evidence" to be our great Solutrean ancestors at least 20,000 years before Clovis!!! 
  • When the Left denigrates Columbus they look to destroy our culture from the very beginning, for if you stain and delegitimize our roots you delegitimize all that comes after!!!
  • "Look in the mirror!!! ...You as Solutreans are the real indigenous people!!! ...The Beringian Invaders stole OUR LAND!!!" (...SOUND CRAZY LEFTIST SCUM!?!? you like to say... TRUST THE SCIENCE!!!!!)
  • John From Conn gets out from under the covers and calls in after John of SI once again "draws him out..."
  • Frank crushes Allan Lichtman and the rest of the Marxist historians from AMC's Fact vs Fiction that say the South "fought for slavery..."
  • If the great general George S. Patton were here today he might slap cowardly Milley like he did that private...
  • The book, The Road to Disunion: Secessionists at Bay 1776-1854, by William W. Freehling is discussed as John From Conn explains what the Confederate Army really fought for... ...Read it to get a clue about what was going on in the Southern States in the early Republic and what actually lead to the "War to Prevent Southern Independence..."
  • Slavery & Secession are not synonymous no matter how much the Left tries to conflate them!!!
  • Remember when the Leftist devils wanted to interview the national guard to ensure loyalty??? ...We want the secret service interviewed before some Leftist infiltrates them and goes after DJT!!
  • The "Neo-Bolsheviks" continue their destruction of the American Nuclear family as they demonize, marginalize, and dehumanize the concerned parents of America exercising their free speech defending their children from Leftist indoctrination!!! 
  • Google is starting to demonetize websites that are not in line with the Neo-Bolsheviki!!! Stopping their ad revenue!!! ...This happened to a free market website...
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