- Nikki Haley will be crushed out of existence in South Carolina by DJT!!!
- There should be a Congressional Committee to investigate whether miserable senile ole Joe Biden had beaten his dog!!! Just another cover up by the Whitehouse & the "Ministry of Lies!!!"
- We ask the Left... "what is your definition of HOPE!?!?"
- "This is political assassination!!! Lawfare & a Judicial Pogrom against DJT!!!"
- The Left wants to wipeout your history and replace it with their bizarro interpretation!!!
- They are not migrants!!! They are criminal illegal invaders!!!
- The crimes of these illegal vermin will only continue to escalate and you will be forced to stomach it every step of the way because that is the Left's grand plan!!!
- DJT is driven by his righteousness!!!
- The Left has overplayed their hand with the American people!!!
- The Senate should have accepted Rand Paul ’s amendment for a special inspector general — an accountant — to watch over US funds sent to Ukraine. It refused, which can only mean one thing: our money is being stolen.
- Anyone tired of Leftist glitches!?
- Bolshevik BS...
- The Chiii-na invasion...
- Does the Biden regime's plan run this deep?
Sunday, February 25, 2024
TRP! (2/23/24)
Sunday, February 18, 2024
TRP! (2/16/24)
- We are a hit in Singapore!!! TRP has a large following there... Shout out to the Wurrrld's Freest Economy!!! TRP IS ENJOYED AROUND THE WURRRRLD!!!
- It is so with Liberty. Always in danger — often in distress — she not only suffers from open and secret foes, but officious and unskillful friends. And among the thousands and millions that throng her Temples, from curiosity, fashion, or policy, how few — very few — there are, who are her sincere, faithful, and intelligent worshippers!
- Just like Stalin... Putin murders a political opponent... what do you think the Left would do to DJT if they had the chance!?!?
- Bolsheviks have never played by the rules... The "Neo-Bolsheviks" are exactly the same: they only know violence, force & coercion... They will not allow any opposition!!!
- DJT has a will that is like iron!!! ..."Make no mistake, it's not revenge DJT is after... It's a reckoning!!!"
- No reason to be alarmed... Neo-Bolshevik Billionaire George Soros Buying Hundreds of American Radio Stations Ahead of 2024 Election... ...But yet they are trying to bankrupt DJT!?!?
- The Left goes after DJT because he speaks the truth!!!
- CBS sparks outrage over firing of Catherine Herridge, ‘lone voice’ at network probing Hunter Biden laptop... Welcome to North Korea!!!
- You could back the Left a thousand times but the one time you go against them you are eliminated!!!
- Vince of NJ calls in. All the best sir!
- All of us played the fun new scavenger hunt game that's all the rage: "find the non-famous middle-aged white heterosexual guy that doesn't get humiliated in some way" during the Woke Bowl ads and came up with 3 for the entire night... We also found this...
- Marine Tim O'hara Superbowl Ad...
- Another crushing Uniparty victory... DJT Now More than Ever!
- DJT lawyer nicely presents the evidence we presented on January 8th 2021!
- Bombshell New Report ‘Connects All the Dots’ That Russia Hoax Was CIA Op to Frame DJT...
- Wuz up dawg-ina... ...where was the judge and his gavel!?!?
Sunday, February 11, 2024
TRP! (2/9/24)
- Have Arachnids sucked Biden's brain out!?!?
- The degenerate two bit con man, media shyster, & Brooklyn blowhard's group of satin-jacket and silly red-beret wearing mopes stop some Uzi-toting, dope-sucking, psychopathic killing machine that was there to thug and mug the construction working gopher Sean "buckle up" Hannity! They left the miscreant sucking concrete! All while committing assault & battery & false arrest...
- A TRP CLASSIC: TRP commando John From Conn Slams Curtis Sliwa! Frank & John comment! (11/20/15)
- Biden ‘willfully’ kept classified info, would come off as just an ‘elderly man with poor memory’ at trial, scathing report says!!!
- Do not say "there are two tiers of justice!!!" ..."There is NO JUSTICE!!!"
- JUSTICE WIL BE RESTORED: DJT will cleanse the Federal government of it's maggot writhing corruption, hate, & treason!!!
- They are not migrants!!! They are criminals!!!
- February is Alien registration month!!!
- The Left doesn't want a Republic... they want a Leftist dictatorship!!!
- DJT needs emergency powers to deal with the Left and all their crises!!!
- "Great nations don't fall from without they fall from within!!!"
- Time for Operation Wetback 2.0!!!
- What ever happened to the 25th Amendment!?!?
- This will be a savage fight for the fate of this country!!!
- What a Parthian war might mean... Joe Kent uses John & Frank's "illegal invader" term!
- Biden's verbal constipation...
- Can't you remember when Republicans stuck together?
- Par for the senile old bastard!
- Tucker vs. Putin...
- Do You Smell Something Burning? Aaron from GA
Sunday, February 4, 2024
TRP! (2/2/24)
- We are very proud to welcome further progeny of yet another Talk Radio Legend! Tonight one of the daughter's of the late great Barry Farber is our guest! What a wonderful discussion it was as we reminisced talk radio history with Bibi Farber!!!
- Frank from Queens on CRN with Barry Farber! (11/11/08)
- Who are the Leftists behind the curtain that are actually running this corrupt "theatrical" regime!?!? ...Any enemy of America is a friend to them!!!
- We know the dark shadow of the "Foreign Occupier" is behind much of what we see and hear but who else is really back there pulling the strings!?!?
- The only thing that these Mohammedan fanatics fear is the power of the United States military!!!
- The Left has contempt for this country!!!
- Ex-IRS contractor sentenced to five years for leaking Trump, Musk tax returns...
- The Leftist J6 plot thickens...
- Wal-Mart email kicking Black Mythology month off right y'all...
- Yikes! BREAKING VIDEO: Top White House Cyber Official tells O’Keefe in Disguise “they can't say it publicly” the White House wants to replace Kamala Harris and Confirms President mental decline: “Biden is definitely slowing down.”
- BREAKING: Rep Massie has confirmed the person who found the pipe bomb at the DNC on January 6th is a CURRENT U.S. Capitol Police officer.
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