- The Left's "Red Guards" have been released with full venom and vitriol all across the Republic and onto the campuses of our supposed "institutions of higher learning!!!!"
- Pure and simple they are Leftist vermin!!! END LEFT-WING HATE!!!
- The Left are virulent Judeophobes and we have said this for over 20 years!!!
- Frank said it first that it will be South Africa that is betrayed and then it will be Israel!!!
- Never forget the Boer holocaust!!!
- The Democrats have introduced a bill to remove DJT's Secret Service detail!!! Then they will attempt to do what we have always said they would do!!!
- Famous TRP dictum... "The Left would kill you if they could!!!"
- We demand everything but spoons be banned immediately!
- Leftist racial justice warrior training starting earlier and earlier...
- Yet another racial justice warrior!!!
- Loving DJT is electrifying!!! 😂😂😂
- Matt Walsh's victim hierarchy!!! LOL!
- Cultural heroes of the deranged Left-wing brain...
- Hitler would be beaming with pride at the fellow-traveling Left...
- Pretty good list all of which covered on TRP!
- "Earth Day is a Left-wing fraud" created with help by a Leftist Criminal murdering crackpot Ira Einhorn in 1970!!! ("The Unicorn Killer") CLICK Here to see what it is really about!!!
- Wurrrld Solutrean month wraps up with a bang and this year was the biggest year yet with the greatest amount of responses, feedback & support!!! THANK YOU!!!
Sunday, April 28, 2024
TRP! (4/26/24)
Sunday, April 21, 2024
TRP! (4/19/24)
- WSD Weekend 2024 festivities BEGIN TONIGHT!!!
- The late Great JUDGE RONALD OF TURTLE ISLAND (Wurrrld Council of Solutrean Elders founding member) is honored with a ceremonial chair by the Wurld Council of Solutrean Elders!!!
- Earth shattering news comes LIVE from Wurld Council of Solutrean Elders member "He Who Guards the Bones of the Ancestors!!!" LIVE FROM THE SOLUTREAN HOTEL, CASINO, & EMPORIUM!!!
- John of SI finally gets his Solutrean name!!! "HE WHO REMAINS!!!"
- "He of the First Blood" is named SOLUTREAN MAN OF THE CENTURY!!!!!
- Always remember the "Father of Solutrea," Dr. Dennis Stanford, World Solutrean Man of the Year 2023!!!
- Was Biden's Uncle eaten by Beringians!?!?
- The glorious story of the Solutreans!!!! THEY ARE THE TRUE NATIVE AMERICANS!!! ...THE TRUE indigenous PEOPLE!!! ...The Beringians were the late comers...
- "WE WERE HERE FIRST!!! ..."THIS IS NOVA SOLUTREA!!!" ...Over 50,000 years ago our great white caucasian Solutrean ancestors populated this continent peacefully... It was a free, tranquil & loving time until... the illegal invading violent "Clovis" Beringians came and murdered our people and stole our land!!! ...It is the greatest untold story of genocide in the history of humanity!!!
- "IBERIA NOT SIBERIA!!!" ...LEARN your true history!!!
- THANKS TO THE LEFTIST "NEO-BOLSHEVIK" ORTHODOXY scientific truth is being smothered in every field... including archaeology & paleontology!!!
- THESE LEFTIST DEVILS WILL NEVER ERASE OR CANCEL OUR CULTURE!!! ...NEVER FORGET!!! ...The Left loves to sanitize and romanticize the evil & savage ways of the Beringians!!!
- "That which is ours is ours again never to be taken from us again!!!"
- TAKE A SOLUTREAN VISION QUEST and free your soul as all of us have done!!! ...Celebrate around the "sacred fire of liberty!!!"
- Let the scientific truth finally be told!!! ...Upset and overturn the "Clovis First orthodoxy!!!" ..."Bring back true scientific inquiry and real investigation!!!"
- Much like "Holocaust deniers"...we call them "Solutrean deniers!!!" ...The Beringians were the original "illegal invaders!!!"
- Our ancestors were brutally suppressed and wiped out in a "mass extinction event!!!" ...a global holocaust!!! ...An atrocity unparalleled in all of human history!!! ..."But as long as you live and breathe and have progeny they will never be forgotten!!!"
- Our Solutrean people lived peacefully on the land!!! They practiced a "proto-Free Enterprise" system and carried out the original "agricultural revolution!!!" ...Unlike the Beringian devils that destroyed, burned, and littered the land!!!
- The Beringians mercilessly wiped out all of the megafauna!!! ...Many tribes practiced cannibalism and human sacrifice!!! ...Women had very few rights if any and the elderly were mistreated and abandoned when they couldn't keep up... ...Yet all we hear about is the ludicrous Left-wing mythology of a supposed "noble people!!!" ...They were nothing more than uncivilized, unsophisticated, warring savages!!!
- The Beringians ruthlessly enslaved other Beringians!!! ...Watch Mel Gibson's Apocalypto and you will only be scratching the surface of their savagery!!!
- The Blood of our Solutrean ancestors runs in each and everyone of us!!! ..."The spirits of our ancestors will live on in you and your descendants!!!"
- "Earth Day is a Left-wing fraud" created by a Leftist Criminal murdering crackpot Ira Einhorn in 1970!!! ("The Unicorn Killer") ...Unlike Wurrrld Solutrean Day which goes back 10's of thousands of years and is based completely on actual science... Earth Day is nothing more than silly regurgitated Gaia mythos!!!
- "SO SAY WE ALL!!!!!!"
Sunday, April 14, 2024
TRP! (4/12/24)
- Ron Goldman and Nicole Brown are remembered this week!!!
- Many Solutreans danced during the afternoon in the moon's shadow this week!!!
- We fear for DJT's safety when these Leftist monsters become cornered and know they have no chance of winning...
- Iran is rearing it's ugly head because of the weakness and lack of statesmanship from the Biden regime!!! Obama and Biden love Iran and hate Israel!!!
- DJT is the man of the people!!! Biden is a degenerate corrupt crooked ole corpse in the White House...
- The "Queen of Talk Radio" Cheryl from Spotswood NJ calls in!!!
- End the Fed!!!
- Kick the can down the road? Looking more like an oil tanker...
- Despicable Leftist bureaucracy...
- “An undercover video from Sound Investigations reveals former FBI employee and contracting CIA officer, Gavin O'Blennis claiming that there were at least 20 FBI agents in the J6 crowd. O'Blennis also revealed that the agency was behind the lawsuit brought by Sandy Hook families against Alex Jones. In the end, he said, the agency got what it wanted: to "take all his money."
- Affirmative action geniuses...
- The Cost to Breathe Free... Aaron from GA
Sunday, April 7, 2024
TRP! (4/5/24)
- The Left doesn't call it Easter... They call it Trans day of visibility...
- Wicked NYC faces the lord's wrath and is given a warning in the form of an earthquake!!! Change your ways or end up like Sodom and Gomorrah!!!
- Under Bolshevism there is no private property!!! The illegal invading vermin are taking over people's homes and they purposefully do nothing!!!
- Think of all the injustices that have happened thanks to the Left!!!
- A Republic has to be based on transparency!!! If not you may as well live under dictatorship!!! Who is really in control behind their iron curtain of deception!?!?
- The January 6th patriots are still hostages of the Neo-Bolsheviks!!!
- John mistakes his cat for the earthquake...
- Is Chiii-na responsible for the earthquake!?!? ...Oh the fiendishness of the Oriental mind...
- Was the container ship's computer hacked!?!?
- The illegal invaders are taking American jobs at record pace!!! This is the plan of the Left and we have been saying this for decades!!!
- The Left's EV revolution has been rejected by America!!! Nobody wants them even with $10K & $15K rebates!!! LOL!
- These Leftists have the unmitigated gall to call us the Nazis...
- Leftist Hubris...
- Here comes that knock at 4:00 in the morning! Papers!! The Google algorithm says you're guilty!
- Oh no nothing to worry about... Nothing to see here...
- From Thomas Jefferson to Henry Lee, 10 August 1824...
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