- Hurricane Helene devastates the South East but Kamala and the Biden regime along with their Media Criminal partners are trying to downplay it big time so it doesn't effect her in the polls!!!
- Kamala spits in the face of the productive middle class!!! She thinks we are morons...
- We will not genuflect before any politician!!! Frank's frustrations, like all of us, are beginning to boil over!!!
- The Left wants us all disarmed so badly they can taste it!!!
- The RINO's & the Neocons are worse than the Democrats in our eyes!!!
- Of course Adams is guilty, they all are... But, he criticized Biden & Harris and that is the real reason the Neo-Bolsheviks are going after him!!!
- All dictators are terrified of freedom loving DJT!!!
- The Left used to believe in peaceful coexistence...
- Republicans play softball where as Democrats always play hardball!!!
- Watch Dennis Quaid's Reagan movie... The liberal critics gave it 18% approval but it has a 98% audience approval score!!! This is the biggest difference in movie history on Rotten Tomatoes...
- The Republic must be saved and it must be saved soon!
- KGB tactics...
- Typical Leftist stock jobbing Hamiltonian scum...
- "Trump Will Start World War III," says Party Autographing Bombs To Be Launched At Russia...
- Typical Leftist frauds...
- Wow, the stress of being President really changes them...
- Let's get this straight … The Covington trans shooter who targeted Christian children - the FBI and DOJ lock the manifesto up like it’s Fort Knox. But the guy who tries to assassinate Trump, they release the manifesto a week later with a dog whistle in it...
- Walz: "We can't afford four more years of this." I'm not sure if you know this Tim but your current running mate is kinda the VP... 😂
- Teleprompter and Chief...
- DC Truth... Democrat Corruption...
Sunday, September 29, 2024
TRP! (9/27/24)
Sunday, September 22, 2024
TRP! (9/20/24)
- The Deep State bastards were at it again... But DJT is still standing!!! These Leftist devils must be stopped!!!
- The illegal invasion across the United States is a disgrace!!! I guess the Haitian invaders don't know how to pick lettuce... They are picking our pets...
- The cry of racism is the last refuge of a black scoundrel...
- The Great Replacement Plan is no longer a theory...
- This country is turning into a Dystopian ruin...
- Kamala voters are intellectually barren and worthless...
- The truth is very inconvenient to the Left!!!
- Middle class families... dreams and aspirations... yadda yadda... Kamunism would crush achievement!!!
- John wants to play a Leftist lie a week... I hope he is immortal because the list is endless!!!
- Democrat politicians and the media criminals are partners in hate...
- Kamala: An totalitarian Leftist if there ever was one...
- Path to an American dictatorship: Step 1. Empower the bureaucracy Step 2. Censor speech, dissent Step 3. Disarm the population The only candidate running against this agenda is called a threat to democracy.
- A relentless fighter DJT!
- As we predicted months ago: Fed lowers Funds Rate to 50 basis points. Do you think it's a coincidence that they did this right before the Election. This is solely to help Kamala!
- Just like FDR came after and confiscated all of the people's privately held gold they will come after your wealth too Mr. Paulson...
- Right on JD...
- 💪💪Ron💪💪
- 🤔🤔🤔
- Crazy Leftist bastards...
- 23,000 year old Solutrean footprints should have made more news!
Sunday, September 15, 2024
TRP! (9/13/24)
- Frank knew the debate was going to be rigged!!! The proof is coming out!!!
- Journalism is long dead in this country!!!
- The Media Criminals are shills and whores for the Left!!!
- Despite the debate being rigged DJT still whipped her with the truth...
- DJT is blessed with divinity!!! The Archangel Michael is guarding our heroic magnificent President DJT!!!
- The Left is irrationally consumed with hatred for DJT!!! They will stop at nothing to see him stopped!!!
- The Left is going to get a big dose of the truth and a harsh taste of reality on election day!!!
- Disgusting Leftist devils...
- Nothing turns a girl on more than your company Google coordinating with Kamala to win an election!
- Sound the Jeffersonian alarm bells! Bring back commodity based money before the productive class is completely destroyed! He knew it was the only way to stop monetary inflation!
- Believe your lying eyes...
- Never trust the Left to fight a fair fight...
- Even the Supreme Court will not be able to stop her...
- After 9/11/2001... Always mourn the original 9/11... September 11th, 1789... The day "Left-wing" Hamilton was appointed Secretary of Treasury! AMAZING INTERVIEW & DISCUSSION WITH CALLERS FROM 2017 that is the ANSWER TO ALL OUR PROBLEMS TODAY!
- So tired of the Neo-Bolshevik talking points...
- The American people deserve better than ABC...
- A video talking about Willie Brown's lavish lifestyle just resurfaced... You're going to LOL when Kamala makes an appearance. 😂😂😂 Wait for it...
- Is it Really a Debate? Aaron From GA
Sunday, September 8, 2024
TRP! (9/6/24)
- Democrats seem to really love Chinese spies don't they!?!?
- The debate will be rigged as much as possible by those vicious s.o.b's at ABC...
- This is not a real government it is a farce!!!
- How do all these Democrat politicians become millionaires after entering office!?!?
- DJT cannot be bribed!!!
- Dick Cheney is a Neocon war pig!!!
- Who amongst us isn't ashamed of our vote for George W. Bush!?!?
- DJT is not crude-- he's a real man folks... Don't give in to the Left's insanity...
- President Trump is a counterpuncher, he never starts the war of words but he sure does finish it!!!
- The Left is forced to lie because their Marxist polices are always doomed to failure...
- Just pathetic... worst than basement strategy...
- We are a true 3rd wurrrld country under the Biden/Harris regime...
- DJT better be up by at least 7%...
- Chiii-na is the virus...
- Eric is great. Including what Frank has always said. This is professional wrestling...
- What do you expect from the Centralized Government Complex wiretap!?!?
- Lincoln did far worse to his political prisoners...
- Tim Walz's Midwestern family endorses DJT!!!
- Is the Left ever right!?!? Protect every school with an armed presence!!!
- Yes Elon, the wonders of centralized government and what they make you give up in the name of "safety" always is followed by graft and corruption!
- LOL so much for DJT being that Putin puppet... Oh right Putin is just doing it to hurt her election bid... double LOL!!!
Sunday, September 1, 2024
TRP! (8/30/24)
- If you hate free speech vote for the Neo-Bolsheviks!!!
- Always remember that the blood of our fallen 13 heroes in Kabul is on the hands of Biden & Harris!!!
- Why do Democrats oppose the accuracy of elections!?!?
- What Facebook did to DJT is far worse than anything MAGA ever thought of doing on J6...
- Kamala may be more incoherent than sleepy Joe...
- Kamala brings her "emotional support consort" to that pathetic interview... She can't even hold a press conference and take real questions!!!
- How does a degenerate lying moron poll anywhere close to our great, magnificent, wonderful President DJT!?!? FAKE NEWS!!!
- Inflation... BIDEN & HARRIS DID THAT!!!
- Could you hate one man so much that you would sacrifice your country, your fortunes & your sacred honor!?!?
- Kamala is just another Democrat empty vessel... She says she hasn't changed her values... what values!?!? Radical Neo-Bolsheviks have no values!!!
- When will their be justice for these Democrat devils!?!?
- Kamala wants to forge a brand new path for the country... Just forget the last 4 years and give her a redo... LOL!
- “It has been a source of great pain to me to have met with so many among our opponents who had not the liberality to distinguish between political and social opposition; who transferred at once to the person the hatred they bore to his political opinions.” -founder of the Republican party, Thomas Jefferson
- Mark Zuckerberg admitted in a letter to Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) that his company, Facebook, was pressured by the Biden-Harris administration to censor Americans, particularly regarding content about COVID-19...
- Things will be getting volcanic soon...
- Look at this amazing ad making fun of people with Trump Derangement Syndrome...
- Typical Neo-Bolshevik plotting...
- Neo-Bolsheviks will change any rule as they go...
- Election integrity now! Before it's too late...
- Looks like Mark Zuckerberg has joined the ranks of the crazed conspiracy theorists who claim that the Biden administration pressured Facebook to censor dissent during Covid...
- Sick Leftist Jack Smith just won't go away...
- RFK/Tucker full...
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