Saturday, November 4, 2017

TRP! (11/3/17)

  • "Our Great President DJT" won't back down!!! He is vindicated on multiple fronts in yet another of John's tremendous openings to start the show!!!
  • "The crooked ole bitch" and the DNC conspired with Donna Brazile and many more to rig the election in her favor!!!
  • The need for "extreme vetting" becomes more evident than ever after the latest Islamic terror attack in NYC!!!
  • The "Russian Hoax" aimed at DJT was a chimera created by the Left to explain away "the crooked ole bitch's" crushing defeat at the hands of the DJT!!! It also was used to muddy the water to cover up "the real crimes" of the Clinton Foundation/Uranium One deal!!!
  • "Leather Face Cuomo" proves he is a crack pot once again with more of his pathetic cries for gun control!!!
  • "If you think the 'Trump Economic Miracle' is roaring along at a red hot pace...soon it will be a tsunami overtaking this country!!!" ...Record highs in the stock market!!! ...17 year low in unemployment!!! Business and Manufacturing returning to our shores!!! ...All thanks to 82% of Americans "now seeing a better future ahead" being ushered in by "our Great President DJT!!!" ..."The-man-who-keeps-his-promises & loves America!!!"
  • Frank predicted when "the Foreign Occupier" seized power "that he would be Jimmy Carter on steroids!!!"
  • John said after the election, "God intervened on the side of the American People!!!"
  • "It's not's propaganda!!!" ...Minister Goebbels would be beaming with pride in the "Ministry of Lies & Media Criminals!!!"
  • "W. Bush was well-meaning ...but a bumbling fool!!"
  • Despite "string bean de Blasio's" desire for more Muslims in this country..."our Great President DJT" vows to end the "Diversity Visa Program" that allowed the ISIS backed terrorist to commit his "HATE CRIME" here!!! ...DJT will also bring the long awaited end to "the Democrat Party feeder program" otherwise known as "Chain Migration!!!"
  • 16 years later Frank is still asking when the "Million Moderate Muslim March" will take place to protest against Muslim terrorism and all their "HATE CRIMES!?!?!"
  • Screw "Cryin Schmuck Schumer!!!"
  • The Democrats are like "The Boys from Brazil" still adhering to their failed philosophy!!! ..."They can't give it up! They won't give it up!! They are going to kill each other first!!!"
  • "DJT has no need to make money on the political gravy train like the rest of these crooked bastards!!!" ..."He is impregnable to the attacks of the Left!!!"
Your phone calls and much much more!!! @ 1-718-761-9996!

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