Saturday, March 10, 2018

TRP! (3/9/18)

  • John of SI's great opening shows that DJT's "SUPER" strength is leading to peace around the wurrrrllldd!!!  ..."Drunk, Fat, & Stupid & his criminal enterprise" have been boxed in and broken  --He is now ready to talk!!!
  • "AMERICA IS WINNING!!!!" ..."Take your index finger and point it up!!!"
     ...313,000 jobs added in February!!! 4.1% unemployment!!! ..."DJT ...THE ECONOMIC MIRACLE President's" numbers continue to go through the roof!!!" ...While the "Foreign Occupier's" numbers went straight to HELL!!!  ..."This BOOM is REALITY!!!" ..."OPTIMISM is SOARING!!!"
  • FRANK RETURNS from the Nor'easter that struck "the compound" and simply needs a chance to catch his breath... ..."DJT the Man of Action!!!" is succeeding in so many ways he can hardly keep up!!! ..."The economy is BOOMING!!!" ...Not a phony boom like the "8 year national nightmare!!!" ..."Take your index finger and point it down!!!" ..."His boom was stagnant!!!" 
  • Frank once again prophesizes that "Drunk, Fat & Stupid" will be "knocked off" by his own people!!! ..."Ruling by fear only lasts so long..." ...They don't want to die for his ideology... "Drunk, Fat, and Stupidism!!!"
  • The asininity that was "strategic patience!!!" ...The psychos, sycophants, and professional ass-kissers on the Left gobbled up and believed anything the delusional "Foreign Occupier" said...
  • The only reason Frank backed W. Bush was because the opposition was so grotesque!!! 
  • One of the ways the Left lies is to leave half the story out... The Left practices the "tyranny of language!!!'
  • DJT never accepted the Left's idea of a declining "new normal" for America!!!
  • The laughable threat of the liberal "Blue Wave"...
  • The Left that loves centralized government running your life is suddenly for States' Rights when it hypocritically suits their pathetic agenda!!!
  • The "illegal invaders" do not represent a "community!!!" ...They are a bunch of law breaking gangsters and thugs!!!
  • WWWWWUUURRRRRRRLLLLLLDDD SOLUTREAN DAY is COMING APRIL 20th!!! ...Frank gives a Beringians on the move update...
  • Mike Gallagher listens to TRP!!!
  • John From Conn corrects Larry Mendte and talks constitutional history... ...How the "living breathing document" idea came from Alexander Hamilton... ...How the immortal Thomas Jefferson started the "right-wing" Republican party (not that Devil Lincoln) in opposition to the "left-wing" Hamilton and the Federalists... How the "strict originalist true intent" would have prevented political parties... Jefferson's famous letter to the Danbury Baptists setting forth "the wall of separation between church and State..."  ...How Dishonest Abe was one of the highest paid corporate lawyer elitists of that time and employed by the Illinois Central Railroad as a lobbyist... ...The fake news of his day that he was an "honest log/rail splitter" that heroically freed the slaves is laughable...  ...How that Stinkin' Lincoln pushed his own interests and the northern industrial interests at the expense of the "Sovereign South..." ...He violated the constitutional definition of treason under Article 3 section 3 of the "Constitution of 1787..." ...Long Live the "Principles of 98!!!"
One of the last journalists of integrity left standing, Sharyl Attkisson, host of SINCLAIR’s popular Sunday morning national TV news program: FULL MEASURE. Which focuses on investigative and accountability reporting. It's broadcast to 43 million households! She is a 5-time Emmy award winner... and recipient of the Edward R. Murrow award for investigative reporting. Author of, The Smear: How Shady Political Operatives and Fake News Control What You See, What You Think, and How You Vote...

Your phone calls and much much more!!! @1-718-761-9996!

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