Saturday, April 14, 2018

TRP! (4/13/18)

  • "WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS!!!" ...Thanks to "our Great President DJT!!" ..."the Bang the Drums for Liberty President!!!" ..."the Walking Tall & Standing Proud President!!!" ..."He's soon to teach those Russian bastards and their genocidal lackey Assad in Syria a lesson they'll never forget!!!" ..."They'll learn there is a new Sheriff in Washington DC!!!"
  • "There are shivers of fear running down the yellow jellyfish backed spines of our enemies!!!" ..."Being unpredictable for once is a tremendous advantage!!!"
  • "If Putin wants war... his inner circle may be forced to assassinate him!!!" ...Putin and "Drunk, Fat, & Stupid" are barbarians!! ..."Their opposition is terrorized, arrested, and murdered!!!"
  • John of SI points out even more hypocrisy from the Libs... This time all their flip-flopping on that "tall turd" Comey!!!
  • Where are the "super sensitive peace loving souls of the Left???" ..."Why are they not out protesting this genocidal gas attack on the innocent civilians in Syria?!?!" ..."Even Hitler wouldn't use poison gas....." ..."You don't hear a word from them do you!?!?"
  • "The Foreign Occupier" was "the America Hating President!!!" ..."He was useless, worthless, & treasonous!!!"
  • "Mark C*ckzuckerberg is a criminal!!!" ..."He's a liar, fraud, & a low-life!!!" ..."In his hubris and arrogance he dared to try his liberal double-talk before Congress!!!" ..."Only Ted Cruz though was man enough to take him on..."
  • Frank prefers the term "non-Leftist group" to that of "Right-wing!"
  • Cory Booker might actually out foreign occupy "the Foreign Occupier!!!"
  • "James Comey is truly Nuts!! ...He's vicious, puny, and petty!!!" ..."The people don't care about this guy... they care about what's in their paycheck!!!"
  • Unfortunately we live under "the illusion" of a Republic!!
  • Are "Diamond & Silk" a danger to the ca-mun-i-tay?!? Facebook removed these two black women that support DJT!! Frank wonders if there is anything more here than "schtick and self-promotion..."
PLUS: A special Podcast (4/2/18) with prestigious British historian Dr. Adrian Goldsworthy, author of the new book Hadrian's Wall (Cut to the Main Page!!!)

Your phone calls and much much more!!! @1-718-761-9996!

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