Sunday, January 6, 2019

TRP! (1/4/19)

  • The Left have finally given up calling this the "Obama economy" ...So all future success officially belongs to "DJT the Economic Miracle President" and his tremendous policy decisions!!! ...From now on the Left will not be able to avoid this!!! 
  • 312,000 new jobs!!! October and November were also revised upward!!! ..."The Ministry of Lies" though is silent!!! 
  • OH NO useless Federal Government agencies are closed... ...Agriculture, Commerce, Justice, Interior, State, Transportation, Treasury and Housing and Urban Development – as well as several smaller agencies. Those are the departments and agencies that are impacted by a government shutdown...
  • This is why in a Republic we have redundancy!! The State governments are more than capable of keeping domestic law and order while our wasteful and over-bloated Federal government properly makes protecting the American People their number one priority! Give the President the necessary funds he needs for the Border Wall! ...American Security First!
  • Remember... those Federal government employees are mainly Democrats. Big deal if they are sad and thinking only of themselves!
  • Elizabeth Warren, "I'm gonna get me a beer.." ...Just like John Kerry, "I'm gonna get me a hunting license..." ...Boy they really speak like us... the plain folk... now I've been convinced they are one of us...
  • "Harvey Milk was a filthy degenerate pedophile... An icon of the Left that they deify!!!"
  • The more the "Ocasio-Cortez broad" speaks the more foolish she sounds...
  • Those of us on the Right refuse to be on the Ship of Fools ..."The Left would kill you if they could!!! That's their level of hatred... ...They continue to "dehumanize" white America!!!
  • "Trump Hatred" will never save the Left... DJT "the Nerves of Steel & Iron willed" President chews them up and spits them out!!! ...He is putting stake after stake in the heart of the supposed Obongo legacy!!!
  • The Left sees a racist under every bed!!! ...Try checking under the beds in the ca-mun-a-tay!!!
  • Betsy Devos is a heroine slashing harmful Left-wing Federal education policies!!!
  • The Southern Poverty Lawless Center is a radical Bolshevik entity!!!
  • Hate speech when it comes to class warfare has become acceptable thanks to the wreckers on the Left!!!
  • Jane Fonda was a supporter of Jim Jones and the People's Temple!!!
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