Sunday, December 22, 2019

TRP! (12/20/19)

  • "MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!" from TRP!!!
  • The one-sided impeachment hoax has reached a new low as the Demsheviks refuse to send the partisan sham articles to the Senate!!!
  • "Our Great Heroic Magnificent Beloved DJT the Founder of the Space Force President!!!" is stronger now than ever despite the Left's futile attempts to destroy him!!! 
  • The Left suffers from what the Greeks called "hubris"... a false pride!!! ..."The entitled intellectual elite class" think they are soooo much smarter than the American people and DJT... but to their chagrin he just keeps besting them every time!!!
  • "The ole bag Pelosi laughably tries to take credit for USMCA!!! ...The Dems passing it was an obvious move of desperation!!!"
  • "RES PUBLICA!!!"
  • How do you have a trial for someone when you have no evidence of a crime??? ...Not one Republican voted for impeachment!!! ...Finally we have found a group of Republicans that want to fight back!!! 
  • In the real wurrld when prosecutors do not have sufficient evidence to proceed with an indictment... no matter how emotionally attached to the case they may be... it is their job not to waste the tax payers time and money on a futile trial!!! ..."They Dems will pay dearly for this come next election!!!"
  • You will get nauseous with how many times the Left repeats the term "impeached President"...
  • The Left cannot take out DJT electorally or procedurally so we fear that in their last gasps they will try the "lone nut" theory on him... ..."You cannot trust these sick bastards... they are enemies of America!!!"
  • "DJT is a threat to them because he is a hero to us!!!"
  • "The Federal Government's "enhanced license scheme" is just another frightening power ploy to control you and restrict your individual liberty & freedom!!!"
  • ICE should show up at every DMV where "illegal invaders" are going for licenses and arrest them!!!
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