- The Left weaponizes the Coronavirus whipping up fear & panic to score cheap political points... ...Consequences be damned... ..."You just can't even imagine how low they will go..."
- According to "Neo-Bolshevik Bernie" Fidel KKKastro was a good guy because he supposedly taught a few Cubans how to read Communist propaganda... ...Bernie Sanders has also said he was sympathetic to Hitler because he loved animals & the environment... ...Mao the bee's knees because he knew how to ballroom dance... ...Stalin the smile on the Mona Lisa because he was a cigar aficionado...
- All of India fawns over "our Great Heroic Magnificent Beloved DJT the Merciful President!!!"
- The Leftist fearmongers blamed the AIDS epidemic on Ronald Reagan ...Katrina was the fault of GWB... ...Now Coronavirus is the work of DJT...
- In A Distant Mirror: The Calamitous 14th Century, Barbara Tuchman explained on pg. 108 how the Kingdom of Poland avoided the Black Death by shutting it's borders...
- How much worse would the Coronavirus be if "our Great Heroic Magnificent Beloved DJT the Guarding America President!!!" did not guard our frontier!!!
- "John Wayne hated when we the people were called the masses..."
- "How much has the Coronvirus infested the Chinese Armed Forces???"
- "DJT is the breakwater to Leftist insanity!!!"
- "In Communist Cuba it's not education... it's not literacy... it's indoctrination!!!
- "Making America Energy Independent was a sea change from what the Left said could be done!!!" ...What ever happened to their cries of "We have reached peek oil!?!?"
- "The elements working against DJT in the Deep State will gin up anything they can to take him out!!!"
- Our Man on the Street, Gino from China, calls in again from Ground Zero...