Saturday, April 11, 2020

TRP! (4/10/20)

  • "Our Great Heroic Magnificent Beloved DJT is the Fearless & Transparent President!!!" ..."He Will Make America Pure Again!!!"
  • The "Media Criminals" love to play their daily gotcha game of "let's try to stump the President" but he has their number!!!
  • A crazy "Left-wing Media Criminal crackpot" tries to call our black Surgeon General racist as he shows heartfelt compassion for minorities...
  • Frank was the first to uncover "the Chi-NAH Conspiracy" on 1/24/20!!!
  • It won't be long before the lamestream catches onto Frank's theme of "Patriotism over Profits!!!" ...Not only should Chi-NAH pay "war reparations" but so should every person or corporation that sold us out to the Chi-coms!!! ..."They've done irreparable damage to the safety and security of the American nation!!!"
  • "Down with the internationalists!!! ...Down with the ruthless cosmopolitans!!!" ..."Nationalism remains the greatest force among nations!!!"
  • It takes "Fair Trade" to get to "Free Trade!!!"
  • "We don't remember Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx winning any elections!!! ...A bunch of entrenched deep state bureaucrats now suddenly have total control over all our lives!?!?"
  • Before the Wuhan Chi-NAH virus was sweeping the globe it was "DJT's Economic Miracle!!!" that was doing so ...Why wasn't all that economic success called the "new normal" by the misery loving Left!?!? ...Only when it's a negative or a downturn that they created do they want us to accept their leftist-failed-policy-causing "new normals!!!"
  • "We support the 2 to 3 week shutdown to ramp up the medical supplies, lower the curve, & ready and train our communities on how to stop the spread of this invisible enemy from Chi-NAH... ....BUT WE DID NOT sign up for indefinitely turning over our lives and liberties to unelected bureaucrats!!! ...IT IS TIME IN SHORT ORDER to GET AMERICA BACK TO WORK!!!"
  • "Free Enterprise will solve the problem on its own (as it always has) as each business field will come up with protocols that the community will feel safe with..."
  • "Why can't businesses almost immediately resume and conduct normal business if they decide to dress like a doctor or nurse would and practice common sense distancing protocols?!?! ...Gowns, masks, and gloves are no longer at critical lows!!!"
  • "Why wait 12 years for the wurrrld to end thru "climate change"...The Left can end it now with fear of pathogens!!! ...They also love the fact that people aren't driving at the rate they used to which indirectly helps their gawd Gaia..."
  • "The radical Leftist pope now blames the Wuhan Chi-NAH virus on global warming!!!"
  • "BILL GATES is the NEW GEORGE SOROS!!! ...He's been pushing his crazed human microchip GPS tracking vaccination scheme for years!!!" ...Dr Fauci has been in his pocket before... him & Gates are great pals... don't be surprised if soon the Bureaucrats start endorsing this gross invasion of privacy!!! 
  • "Monitor the 'stimulus package' for greed, avarice, and vice... looking for corruption and fraud that will inevitably run rampant!!!"
  • WE CELEBRATE ON MONDAY April 13th, the 277th Birthday of the immortal founder of the Republican party, Thomas Jefferson!!! ...He understood the key to vibrant Free Enterprise was "production" not "spending!!!"
  • In 2017 Dr. Fauci predicted the coming "surprise outbreak" under DJT's watch!!!
  • We want to see all the Leftist totalitarian Governors and Mayors use the same vim & vigor they used shutting down christian churches and arresting pastors around Easter when it comes to shutting down mosques during the upcoming Ramalamadingdong!!! ...We doubt they'll have the same "courage..." 
  • "Will any elderly persons that refuse to take the Wuhan-Chi-NAH vaccine be stripped of their Social Security checks!?!?"
  • "This is the Left's chance to finally get rid of all paper money and go completely digital as they will claim paper money passes the virus..."
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