"In our struggle for freedom we've hit the canvas many times but we always bounce back because we're the people and we're tough!" ...WE WERE NOT FORGOTTEN by DJT and he GAVE THE POWER BACK TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE and WE WILL NOT LET HIM DOWN!!!
The crooked, corrupt, avaricious, larcenous & degenerate Deep State vipers & scum politicians infest Washington D.C!!!
Frank will soon be publishing an award winning book called, "The Alamut Prophecies!"
We need to get to the heart of the Neo-Bolshevik Democrat "Chinese backed" malignancy in this country!!!
"Why aren't there demonstrations in front of Swalwell's house!?!?" ..."Why isn't he living in fear and being kept up at night!?!?"
"The Bidens are a family of traitors and parasitic vultures feeding off the carcass of the United States!!!"
Frank has bad news for the "plantation Toms" that voted for Biden...
It has never been about DJT's "personality" to the Left... ...It has always been about preventing DJT from completing the extermination of the traitorous rats that infest our Federal government!!!
"You are going to see Chinese Communist aggression against Taiwan if Biden seizes power..."
"Tyranny comes in many phases..." ..."Tyranny is government by decree..." ...Tyranny is coming through IDL (Incrementally Diminishing Liberty!!!)
"Cuomo is a frustrated criminal hitman!!!"
The Cleveland "Beringians" are changing their historic team name after 100 years!!!
Either call them the Cleveland "Savages" or the Cleveland "Solutreans!!!" ...Call the Redskins the Washington "Kennewicks!!!" ..."The cardboard cutouts are lining up in droves to watch these games..."
A "centralized State" is needed for Socialism & Communism to survive!!! ...While history proves its opposite a "decentralized Republic" best prevents Marxism in any form and most successfully protects free individuals & their Liberties!!!
TRP BREAKS THE STORY!!! ...Twitter secretly turns off DJT's notifications to ALL HIS FOLLOWERS!!! ...Big Tech, the Media Criminals, & the Deep State want him silenced & eliminated from history!!!
"What truly enforces the constitution?" ...One essential piece of the "separation of powers principal" in our decentralized Republic is that the sovereignty of the individual States needs to be respected... ...The States created the Federal Government and empowered it as their umpire or agent... ...They never intended it to be their ultimate arbiter or ruler!!!
It's truly laughable to think those that ratified the Constitution of 1787 believed that 5 black-robed politically appointed hack lawyers should be the ultimate guardians of all their liberties...
When things get completely oppressive and intolerable "the final answer to the freedom question" is that the States need to be able get a "peaceful divorce" from the voluntary union they entered... ...Without the ability to leave freely there is nothing stopping the Federal government or other more populous States from eventually dominating and abusing other States indiscriminately...
Texas HAS EVERY RIGHT TO TELL OTHER STATES HOW TO CONDUCT THEIR ELECTIONS... ...Each State is guaranteed a "Republican" form government (honest & freely elected representatives) under the Constitution and if a State believes the corrupt Federal election process of other States is beyond repair they have every right to leave!!!
Left-wing devils like Biden & Lincoln however would never let the people of the States go peacefully... ...Backed by their Federal IRS stormtroopers (created by Devil Lincoln) they would NEVER ALLOW FOR "PEACEFUL SECESSION..."