- MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! to ALL in the TRP Faithful...
- Tucker takes Frank's long held "Kulak theme" this week... ...John plays the audio... ...Welcome to the party pal!!!
- This is the same type of propaganda the National Socialists used against Jews... ..."White people are being marginalized, demonized, and dehumanized everyday by the Left!!!"
- WURRRLDD Solutrean Radio: UPDATE... ..."He of the First Blood" explains Doggerland!!!
- "The cry of racism is the last refuge of a Black scoundrel..."
- The Biden Regime's staff and elected Democrats are fleeing in droves off the sinking ship!!!
- The "D" in Democrat stands for disaster!!!
- DO NOT TRUST JOE MANCHIN!!! ...He will eventually sign a "more moderate bill" once he stakes out his lofty chips in the big game...
- Rename the Javits center the DJT center!!!
- If you admire the "non-productive rich" vote Democrat!!!
- Why don't they investigate all the politicians that became wealthy AFTER taking office!?!?
- "DJT IS A PRODUCTIVE RICH PERSON!!!" ...A TRUE "Jeffersonian Republican!!!"
- The chimera of "civil unrest" will be used to suspend the elections...
- Franks wants to actually see "Republican results" before he votes for one of them again for Congress...
- NEVER USE the Leftist grammatical term "gender" ...use the proper English word "sex!!!"
- The TRP Faithful gets a very special call from the ghost of Christmas present Ron from Joliet!!! ..."Don't forget to have gender with your significant other..." --Ron from Joliet
- "Don't assume I am not corrupt..." --Joe Biden
Sunday, December 26, 2021
TRP! (12/24/21)
Sunday, December 19, 2021
TRP! (12/17/21)
- WSR!!! Wurrrrrld Solutrean Radio: Solutreanism & Western culture UPDATE!!!
- Frank predicts Joe Manchin will vote against BBB (big bag of bullshit) and there will be a move to draft him and make him a frontrunner for President...
- The "Crooked Ole Bitch" has plans to run again herself...
- Communist Dog "$100 Million Da Nang Dick Blumenthal" Should Resign Immediately for Supporting Mass Murderers by happily attending their awards banquet!
- Damning New Details Emerge Exposing Massive Web Of Unindicted Leftist Operators At The Heart Of January 6!
- Paraphrasing Maximus Decimus Meridius, "Thomas Jefferson had a dream that was these United States and this is NOT IT. ...THIS IS NOT IT!!!"
- With inflation running rampant under the Biden regime Americans may be forced to barter for goods...
- Look at what "the cancer of Socialism" did to Venezuela... ...The Democrats want that here... ...They want to destroy lives and this country!!!
- Orwellian names like the "Affordable Care Act" & "Build Back Better" are NOT fooling us...
- The dopey Dem talking point is still "the Republicans aren't for anything..." ...LOL! ...John rattles the short list off the top of his head...
- The Voting Rights Act equals "anybody can vote..." ...illegal invader... ...dead people... as long as they vote Democrat... ...Crazy Ole Joe Stalin Biden actually admits publically just like Stalin that "it's really those that count the votes that matter!!!"
- The Democrats are the "Enemy Within!!!"
- Laura Ingraham talks about what we have been saying for years... ...That the DEMs want to restrict your freedom by taking away the automobile...
- John From Conn calls in at the end of the show very frustrated over George's lack of knowledge about the jab and the disturbing misinformation he was spreading... ...John promises a Steve from Taxachusetts appearance to counter George's NY Times inspired drivel...
Sunday, December 12, 2021
TRP! (12/10/21)
- Every day is a complete "wipeout" for the Democrats!!! ...Their only minor victories these days seem to come from the Ole Crow Mitch and his quisling RINOs...
- After a lot of soul searching Frank says, "Sorry folks I will not be voting in any Congressional elections next year..." ...He's not going to be played for a sucker once again by the Republican'ts!!!
- 80 RINO devils voted for a Bill to allow the Fed to search your personal records...
- It's like watching organized crime... ...there is no moral difference between them, the factions only fight minor skirmishes with each other, they're all dangerous, and NOT ONE of them is one bit of good for the country... ...WAKE UP TO WHAT'S GOING ON!!!
- It's not about RINOs "learning to fight back" or "finding the killer instinct..." ...they know exactly what they are doing in the "establishment uniparty..." ..."They're ALL THEATRE and NO SUBSTANCE!!!"
- We remember when George Wallace proclaimed, "There's not a dime's worth of difference between the Democrat and Republican parties" and he was 100% right!!!
- There are only very minor differences between the two parties... especially without DJT around "the Greatest President Past Present & Future!!!"
- BOYCOTT the slaveholder-concentration-camp-running "SINO-BOLSHEVIKS" and their Olympics!!!
- Where are all the supposed "Human rights heroes" of the Left!?!?
- Let's see what happens with your "big red wave..." ...Frank predicts the same ole same ole...
- The unfrastructure bill is ONLY 11% infrastructure!!!
- FRANK & JOHN RIGHT AGAIN!!! ...THEY WERE THE FIRST TO CALL OUT THIS HATER of COLOR Jussie Smollett as a HOAXSTER & CRIMINAL!!! ...and what punishment!?!? ...sending him to jail is like sending him on a cruise... ...he'd find all the boyfriends he can handle and then some... ...We still doubt he spends a day in jail...
- The "Media Criminals" never once questioned the silly story of this degenerate...
- HOLLYWOOD HUMAN GARBAGE abound... ...Alec Baldwin is nothing but violent psychotic scum... ...He has a history of violence & threats!!!
- Yet Another Racial Justice Warrior in Training! Black Mother Orders the Racist Assault on 15-Year Old Asian girl!!!
- Sad tragedy as Tornadoes rip through Kentucky and surrounding states... Must be global warming right Leftist devils???
Sunday, December 5, 2021
TRP! (12/3/21)
- Will the woke mob now call for the cancellation of the song White Christmas!?!?
- The Left try to control the language so they can control your thoughts...
- This is all happening in "Biden's America..." ...Now a land of hate & failure!!! ...This is Biden's legacy...
- DJT was ready to get us out of the hot-air called the UN and turn the building into a Hotel & Casino!!!
- Where is the outrage in the UN at "Sino & Slavo-Bolshevik" aggression!?!?
- New Wuhan-Fauci funded variant called omicron not Xi to avoid offending "Sino-Bolshevik" ruler!!!
- The Chi-coms have people in concentration camps yet we will still go to their Olympics...
- Enes Kanter changes his last name to "Freedom" to bring attention to the Chinese slavery of the Uyghur people...
- DJT fired people to get better results... ...For the Biden regime it's always PR management...
- What happened to all the books written by disgruntled DJT cast-offs!?!? ...No one read them because everyone saw his results!!!
- Biden's draconian mandates are being blocked at every turn in the courts...
- The Democrat talking point of the week to distract from their failures is "the Republicans don't have any answers..."
- Peter Doocy exposes Minister Fauci on Illegal Invaders entering the country not being forced to be vaccinated...
- Never fall for the Left's BS term "the underclass..." ...supposedly because America is so oppressive...
- Lauren Boebert is quickly becoming the star of the Republican party!!! ...John plays her terrific response to the "Media Criminal" outrage over her funny joke...
- Alec Baldwin admits to shooting Halyna Hutchins but says he didn't pull the trigger... 🤔
- Chris Christie's book sells under 10,000 copies... LOL!
The "Woke Washing" & Attempted Cancellation of Thomas Jefferson by the Left!
We would like to welcome back to the program, Jeffersonian Hero, Dr. Mark Andrew Holowchak—philosopher, historian, and Commonwealthman!
Dr. Holowchak continues to face Leftist censorship from the mainstream as he dares to apply reason and objective thinking to the historiography of Thomas Jefferson!
The preeminent Jeffersonian scholar of our time returns to TRP to address the disgusting removal of the statue of Thomas Jefferson from New York City Hall!
Have we abandoned the consideration of truth??
Sunday, November 28, 2021
TRP! (11/26/21)
- Ignorant hateful devil Darrell Brooks supports Socialist Hitler who thought that blacks were "non-humans..."
- The "Media Criminals" run to cover up for one of their own & his blatant hate crimes!!! ......"It wasn't him it was the SUV..." ..."Under stress he must have gotten anxious & stepped on the wrong pedal..." ...LOL sick bastards!!!
- "Who taught him that hate!?!?"
- The Biden Regime is committing "economic crimes against the American people!!!" ...Really Economic Crimes Against Humanity!!!
- George Soros-funded communist prosecutors blame all crime on “racism” and “white supremacy!!!”
- Oh No watch out!!! ...here comes the "Omicron variant..." ...(Variant names now change more frequently than hurricane names...) ...Basing nothing on science as per usual, "Racist & Xenophobic" Biden uses this as an excuse to ban travel from 7 African nations!!!
- Let's just continue to blindly repeat the Leftist lockdown/masking/you-must-obey/jab-every-child/shut-down-all-the-schools-and-churches/Fauci-is-gawd talking points...
- Seth Rogan is stupid, living in an out-of-touch bubble, minimizing "Democrat-run" inner-city crime saying basically, "people just need to get used to it and shut up..."
- "There is a 100% non-recidivist rate amongst criminals that have been executed..."
- Once again the American "trial by jury" system proves to be Individual Liberty's last hope... ...Thank you Thomas Jefferson & James Madison!!!
- END Leftist "Persecutoral misconduct!!!"
- Frank thoroughly goes over the Kennedy assassination... ...Firmly believing Castro was behind it... ...Uncle Warren believes it was Russia... ...George the Atheist calls in with questions whether the mafia was connected...
Sunday, November 21, 2021
TRP! (11/19/21)
- The LEFT WILL NOT ACCEPT THE JURY'S VERDICT!!! ...They are committing insurrection against our legal system by attacking the honorable judge & jury!!!
- It is a time of celebration and a triumph for the American people as Kyle Rittenhouse was found NOT GUILTY as the heroic jury upheld the law and didn't cower to the Left-wing mob!!!
- Hopefully Kyle now sues the crap out of all the Leftist scum starting with the "Media Criminals" and then going after Biden who slandered him by calling him a "white supremacist" while he was a candidate running for President...
- The Left never used the word "child" when it came to Kyle protecting himself against that vermin...
- Thomas Jefferson warned against the Leftist mobocracy!!!
- The "Media Criminals" have whipped up the mob to riot, burn, and steal with their long train of false narratives!!!
- The Left would ONLY have been happy if Kyle was beaten to death by the mob...
- Kyle will be awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by DJT in 2025!!!
- Our system is based on "the rights of the individual" the Left's system is based on "the rights of government!!!"
- The Left is ANGRY and have made martyrs out of the 3 pieces of criminal scum Kyle killed in self-defense but show NO ANGER for the 13 Heroes murdered in Afghanistan!!!
- Richard Nixon was not a conservative... ...He was a progressive... ...John & Frank list off his Leftist actions...
- We are just "collateral damage" to the Left... ...Our pain means nothing to them...
- WHY wasn't MSNBC raided after they followed the jury bus!?!?
- "BBB is not Build Back Better but a BIG BAG of BULLSHIT!!!
Saturday, November 13, 2021
TRP! (11/12/21)
- Kyle Rittenhouse and the rest of America now knows when it comes to the Left there is a difference between "prosecution and persecution!!!"
- Judge Bruce Schroeder really gave it good to that hack "political persecutor" Assistant District Attorney Thomas Binger!!!
- The Left tried to intimidate the jury... ...This is what happens in Bolshevik countries!!!
- Why aren't they prosecuting the mayor of Kenosha or the governor of Wisconsin that told the police to stand down!?!?
- Kyle clearly acted in self-defense... ..."The first law of nature is self-preservation!!!"
- What a composed kid Kyle is... handled himself with class and dignity during the Left-wing riot and now on the stand!!! ...He was there to save lives and protect property when the law abandoned them all... ...Kyle is a hero forever traumatized by the Left!!! ...He killed vermin that were trying to kill him and he should be thanked!!!
- This is the deterioration of society under "Neo-Bolshevism" where the innocent get persecuted and the government backs the criminals!!!
- The Leftist devils have painted this kid (as of course) "a white supremacist" for killing 3 vile white criminals!!!
- Overpaid twisted abnormal scumbag Lebron James shamefully makes fun of Kyle's panic attack...
- "If they can do this to an innocent boy they can do this to any white person in this country..."
- "You cannot cooperate, compromise, or coexist with this type of insanity!!!" ..."How can you rationalize with a mad dog because that's what they are!!!"
- "White people are the laboring serfs for the Leftist lords of the manor..."
- "This is now Jungle Law... riot, loot, burn, murder, threats... ...He who screams the loudest and threatens the most wins!!!"
- The human race is nothing more than parasites, feeding off of Gaia, to these enviro-pagans!!! ...All we humans do is eat too much, buy too much, and waste too much food...
- Food has always been the #1 weapon of the Left!!! ...Hunger & Starvation... track it through out history!!! ...Read Hungry Ghosts by great TRP guest Jasper Becker...
- Thanks to the Biden Regime Americans will have to face the choice this winter of "Heat or Eat!!!"
- Pete the Queer says that the supply chain problem is "racist roads..." ...Genius!
- "Race is the raison d'etre for this criminal regime!!!"
- Every day we pray for the Health of DJT!!!
- All they have against DJT is his mean tweets!?!? ....REALLY!?!? ...JUST LOOK AT AND COMPARE THE RECORDS FOR GOD SAKES!!!
Sunday, November 7, 2021
TRP! (11/5/21)
- Democrats are REELING but they NEVER apologize... ...THEY ALWAYS DOUBLE DOWN!!!
- The Left NEVER uses the word "Liberty!!!"
- Biden looks crestfallen after Glenn Youngkin’s crushing Virginia victory!!!
- Looks like NJ was stolen from us as the Dem devils were up to their same old tricks with last minute vote dumping... ...AUDIT NJ NOW!!!
- YET an "Everyman" NJ truck driver named Ed Durr MANAGED TO SHOCKINGLY UPSET establishment State Senate president & longtime NJ Dem chief by spending ONLY $153 on his campaign!!! ...NO VOTE DUMPING WAS EVIDENTLY READY TO GO FOR THIS RACE...
- Aaron Rodgers EXPOSES BIG PHARMA this week as the Woke Left Devils try to cancel him!!!
- "Our schools have been turned into Leftist Perversion Factories!!!"
- "The Left is propagandizing white people the same way the National Socialists propagandized the Jews..."
- "The Left always spreads their poisonous vitriol into the bloodstream of America!!!"
- Black Conservative Winsome Sears, the new Lt. Gov. of VA, destroys Joy Reid and the rest of the race-baiting Left after her tremendous victory!!!
- Republicans flip the VA House of Delegates and win the VA Attorney Generalship as well!!! ...Just amazing!!! ...John lists off the other INCREDIBLE REPUBLICAN ELECTORAL VICTORIES around the country this week!!!
- NEVER PUT ANYTHING PAST THE LEFT!!! ..."They will lie, cheat, steal, connive, or even murder to either grab power or keep power!!!"
- Archbishop Viganò Writes Stunning Letter on Vaccine Program!!!
- Our condolences to Charlene and the rest of John of SI's family for the loss of John's brother after a very long battle with blood cancer...
Sunday, October 31, 2021
TRP! (10/29/21)
- "China is a racist country!!!" ...The Han Chinese majority look down on the many other different minority groups in their country and they refuse to recognize them... ...They have enslaved the Mohammedan Uyghur people in death camps!!! ...Look at the years of oppression with Tibet!!! ...Look at the threats to FREE Taiwan!!! ...They oppress religion and free speech everywhere!!! ...Where is the outrage from the Left!?!? ...Where is the NBA and "the Uncle Tom for the Chinese" Lebron James!?!?
- "The China Virus was intended as a bio-weapon and it was blessed by Fauci..."
- To ALL Bolshevik regimes human beings are expendable... ...The "individual" simply does not matter!!!
- Frank believes China experimented on human beings using them as test subjects for their bio-warfare experiments... including the China Virus...
- The China Virus is the only product that came from the "Sino-Bolsheviks" that really lasts long!!!
- TRP "MAN" of the Week! The ONLY NBA player with guts... Enes Kanter! ...The One "Man" Who Stands Tall Against the "Sino-Bolsheviks!"
- Baseball is "Anti-America's Game!!!" ...All they care about is the money...
- "The Nike Emblem is becoming synonymous with the swastika & the hammer & sickle..." ..."A company that deals with a genocidal regime that has concentration camps!!!"
- The Senile Ole Bastard & his administration have one crackpot idea after another... ...This time they want to give $450,000 to each illegal invader they think faced some trauma crossing the border in violation of the law!!! ...These are some sick bastards!!!
- Under DJT the greatest President Past Present & Future we were swimming in oil & gasoline!!! ...Now the Biden Regime goes begging back to OPEC...
- One American Left behind is too many!!!
- Let's hope Tuesday the Republican avalanche begins and starts to sweep away all the Democrat filthy vermin that are destroying this country!!! ...
- We are in a political war because that's how the Left operates!!! ...They don't believe in our Constitutional system or Law & Justice... ...All they believe in is power and their sick ideology!!!
- Coitus Sleezewa was "sucking pavement" as he ran into a cab and breaks his arm... ...Was this yet another in a long line of his publicity stunts!?!? ...Rudy you officially hit rock bottom when you supported this media shyster & political fraud... ...Give NYC their last rites...
- STOP THE INSANITY!!! ...This has been and will continue to be a collective National Nightmare...
Sunday, October 24, 2021
TRP! (10/22/21)
- RIP COMRADE COLON POWELL... ...The "Media Criminals" were fawning all over the big general that backed the "Foreign Occupier" for President!!! ...The big "establishment" general that vowed there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq when there were none!!! ...That was a fraud and a lie... ...He also hated DJT "the greatest President Past Present & Future!!!" ...No tears shed on this show...
- Queer Anderson Cooper ran cover for the Feeble Coughing Ole Fool all night in the Democrat skewed Town Hall...
- Gas Prices are through the roof and inflation is becoming crippling... ...These Leftist ideologue devils just don't care... ...Under DJT & his creation of American energy independence gas was cheaper (adjusted for inflation) than it was in 1981!!!
- We are afraid for all the people in the rural areas that will freeze to death not being able to heat their homes due to the energy mess the Biden regime has caused!!! ...Blood will be on Democrat hands as poor people will have to choose between hunger & freezing!!! ...The Democrats always blame the American consumer and they always ask for us to "sacrifice" because of their terrible policies...
- The Democrats are pushing their Socialist prescription which always leads to genocide!!!
- We just have to get used to having less and lowering our expectations!!! ...Are you tired of losing yet!?!?
- An illegal invader rapes a woman on a train...
- The "Television generals" running the Pentagon are so focused on the faux topic of "white supremacy" that they missed the Chi-coms inventing and testing "tide turning" hypersonic missiles!!!
- The draconian mandates by the Biden Regime are killing the economy and endangering the vast majority of the population!!!
- It is really vomitous what the woke scum has done to Superman... ...Which is worse making him queer or a one-worlder!?!? ...Anything white, manly, & American the Left hates...
- What ever happened to the supposed "republican freedom force" in congress!?!?
- Jim Jordan admits that the American people now fear the Federal government but he knows we will not run and hide!!! ..."We love our country but fear our government!!!"
- Marxism is the greatest form of oppression and genocide in human history!!!
- Sicko Alec Baldwin ridiculed Dick Cheney for his accidental shooting while hunting... ...How does it feel to take a life due to your irresponsible use of a firearm you careless fool!?!? ...If only the Leftist dope instead of attacking the NRA (and ironically accusing Dana Loesch of "having to step over dead bodies") took some of their advice he would have known a few of their simple SAFETY rules (here) and saved a life!!! ...YES ALEC THE WORDS ALWAYS, NEVER, & DO NOT apply to a member of the Hollyscum elite even if you are just "practicing" on a Hollyscum set and think it is an "armorers job" or "assistant directors job" and beneath you... 1) ALWAYS Keep the Gun Pointed in a Safe Direction. This is the primary rule of gun safety. Common sense dictates the safest direction, depending on different circumstances. 2) ALWAYS Keep the Gun Unloaded Until Ready To Use. If you do not know how to open the action or inspect the chamber(s), leave the gun alone and get help from someone who does. 3) Know your target and what is beyond. Be absolutely sure you have identified your target beyond any doubt. Equally important, be aware of the area beyond your target. This means observing your prospective area of fire before you shoot. NEVER fire in a direction in which there are people or any other potential for mishap. Think first. Shoot second. 4) Know how to use the gun safely. Before handling a gun, learn how it operates. Know its basic parts, how to safely open and close the action and remove any ammunition from the gun or magazine. Remember, a gun's mechanical safety device is never foolproof. Nothing can ever replace safe gun handling. 5) Use only the correct ammunition for your gun. DO NOT shoot the gun unless you know you have the proper ammunition!!!
Sunday, October 17, 2021
TRP! (10/15/21)
- Frank has always said, "Civil Wars come in stages..." ...Are we reaching the final stage!?!?
- The BLM shock troops, the Eco-fascists, & the Illegal Invaders flooding the border... ...These are all different waves in the Left's coordinated assault on the Republic!!!
- First they began by crushing middle America and the Nuclear family... ...Then they finalized their takeover of our education system demonizing our history and erasing our noble & heroic origins... ...They divided the country along racial lines attempting to cause a race war... ...They have demonized, marginalized, & dehumanized white people making us the kulak class... ...They have made a mockery of democracy violating election laws and blatantly stealing elections... ...They unleashed the China-virus on us to soften our underbelly and impose draconian shutdowns to silence liberty... ...They prepped for and then opened the border for the illegal invasion... ...They have shut down our energy and transportation industries and now have crippled our supply chains... ...All this will lead to a forced takeover of the economy by the Socialists crushing Free Enterprise once and for all!!!
- Jen Psaki intentionally violates the Hatch Act by engaging in political activity while on duty interfering in the VA election for Governor by supporting & pushing the stooge the Biden regime wants to win...
- Most of the Beringians were nothing more than savage warring/murdering uncivilized beasts and there was nothing "noble" in the way they lived... ...Famous Paul Valentine article (April 14, 1991)...
- DJT improved every area of American life!!!
- The Left try to cancel Clint Eastwood for a funny off-the-cuff comment he made in 1973 at the Academy Awards...
- The term "Alt-right" was created specifically in an attempt to marginalize TRP...
- Leftist Insurrectionists Storm the Interior Department Sending Multiple Officers to the Hospital! ...Why Wasn't Woman Treated Like Ashli Babbitt as she Forced her Way in thru the doorway!?!?
- The CGC (centralized government complex) sends a virus into the TalkStreamLive server in an attempt to silence TRP!!!
- Slick Willy likely has syphilis and is hospitalized...
- John & Frank were the first to call Democrat administrations "regimes!!!"
- This is now "post-Caucasian" America!!!
- Due to the massive crisis Biden has created with the supply chain you will now know what it's officially like to live in a Bolshevik country!!!
- DJT & Midas had the golden touch whereas everything Biden touches turns to crap...
- What diseases did the Beringians give to the Europeans!?!? ...We never hear that mentioned!!! ...Only the Europeans had disease... ...LOL!
- White people are "European nationals" to the Left...
- Check out Tom from Iowa's YouTube Channel for some great old talk radio videos...
Sunday, October 10, 2021
TRP! (10/8/21)
- "Hail Columbus!!! Hail Columbus!!! Hail Columbus!!!" ..."We bow our heads in gratitude to thee!!!" ..."That which was ours is ours again!!! ...Never to be taken from us again!!!"
- We properly honor the greatest explorer and discoverer in history, the immortal Cristoforo Colombo!! ..."When he landed he brought the fruits of Western civilization to the primitive savage Beringians that occupied and stole the land from our ancestors!!!"
- The original great explorers and true first heroic discoverers of the new world (or what we properly call new Solutrea) were proven factually by "hard evidence" to be our great Solutrean ancestors at least 20,000 years before Clovis!!!
- When the Left denigrates Columbus they look to destroy our culture from the very beginning, for if you stain and delegitimize our roots you delegitimize all that comes after!!!
- "Look in the mirror!!! ...You as Solutreans are the real indigenous people!!! ...The Beringian Invaders stole OUR LAND!!!" (...SOUND CRAZY LEFTIST SCUM!?!? ...as you like to say... TRUST THE SCIENCE!!!!!)
- John From Conn gets out from under the covers and calls in after John of SI once again "draws him out..."
- Frank crushes Allan Lichtman and the rest of the Marxist historians from AMC's Fact vs Fiction that say the South "fought for slavery..."
- If the great general George S. Patton were here today he might slap cowardly Milley like he did that private...
- The book, The Road to Disunion: Secessionists at Bay 1776-1854, by William W. Freehling is discussed as John From Conn explains what the Confederate Army really fought for... ...Read it to get a clue about what was going on in the Southern States in the early Republic and what actually lead to the "War to Prevent Southern Independence..."
- Slavery & Secession are not synonymous no matter how much the Left tries to conflate them!!!
- Remember when the Leftist devils wanted to interview the national guard to ensure loyalty??? ...We want the secret service interviewed before some Leftist infiltrates them and goes after DJT!!
- The "Neo-Bolsheviks" continue their destruction of the American Nuclear family as they demonize, marginalize, and dehumanize the concerned parents of America exercising their free speech defending their children from Leftist indoctrination!!!
- Google is starting to demonetize websites that are not in line with the Neo-Bolsheviki!!! Stopping their ad revenue!!! ...This happened to LewRockwell.com a free market website...
Sunday, October 3, 2021
TRP! (10/1/21)
- What the hell is Latinx!?!? ...Remember the Romans were the original "Latins!!!"
- The term "white people" will soon be eliminated all together!!! ..."People of non-color" is coming you watch...
- We are tired of being stereotyped and profiled by the toxic & intolerant Left!!!
- "So many words are being eliminated so rapidly by Leftist insanity that in 100 years we doubt we could have this conversation..."
- One of the Left's favorite sayings... "We know where you live..."
- Our ONLY HOPE is DJT "the greatest President Past, Present, & Future!!!"
- Hannity blatantly steals Frank's "Biden Lied People Died!!!"
- Milley is a caricature of a the typical Hollywood depiction of an out of control general...
- The Democrats will never fire anyone they appoint to a position as that would be an admission that they did something wrong AND THEY NEVER ADMIT THEY ARE WRONG!!!
- The Left live in a vacuum in DC and dismiss you as human garbage!!!
- John From Conn & John of SI refuse to give up their AOL emails...
- Like lemmings trained to follow their anti-Semitic Democrat cadres the American liberal Jews are actually against Israel...
- Decentralization is a Jeffersonian "right-wing" concept...
- A simmering feud has begun over the "producing" of TRP... ...Stunningly Uncle Warren has created a splinter faction and has officially been named Frank's personal "executive producer!!!" ...It is becoming apparent that John From Conn's jealousy is building and an on air battle is likely coming over "this power struggle" between producers...
LIVE Friday's 8:00 Eastern. Your Phone Calls and much much more!!! @ 1-718-761-9996!
Sunday, September 26, 2021
TRP! (9/24/21)

Sunday, September 19, 2021
TRP! (9/17/21)
- Go down the grand list of all the Democrat crimes... ...yet nothing ever happens to them!!! ...They are a "Rogues' gallery..."
- We want a governing class... ...Not a ruling class!!!
- White people are the Jews of the 21st century... ...We get blamed for everything... ...Whites are constantly criminalized, marginalized, demonized, and dehumanized!!!
- What ever happened to "my body my choice!?!?" ...It's a woman's choice to commit infanticide but if we choose to refuse the jab we are criminals...
- The Left hates with a passion the backbone of Freedom & Liberty that is the foundation of the Right!!!
- Durham finds only one sacrificial stooge after all this time!?!?
- Time after time DJT was stabbed in the back by the CGC (Centralized Government Complex...)
- Bolshevik Russia was a murderous dictatorship where human life meant nothing...
- WATCH: 351,000 “Yes” Votes Disappear from Totals in Newsom Recall Election LIVE ON CNN (VIDEO)
- "Biden Lied and 10 innocent Afghan women and children died!!!" ...Yet Milley called Biden's cowardly wag the dog drone strike "righteous..." ...Brilliant... murdered for transporting water jugs in a truck... ...WHEN WILL DEMOCRATS PAY FOR THEIR CRIMES!?!?
- John plays the audio of the Media Criminals laughably blaming DJT for Milley's treason!!!
Sunday, September 12, 2021
TRP! (9/10/21)
- Frank & John remember the greatest "Hate Crime" in American History, the 9/11 genocidal holocaust... ...They recount that hauntingly unforgettable day from their very unique and personal perspective...
- They lost their first producer Rod Coppola that horrific day.. ...A man that simply went to work one morning but never came home... ...He and the other 2995 "martyrs" are honored and will never be forgotten...
- The Biden Regime goes back on their word as they tyrannically enact a "Free Enterprise crippling edict..." ...A jab mandate on the private sector!!!
- The Senile ole Bastard is a mere puppet of the "Foreign Occupier..."
- Scumbag America hating vermin Bill Maher landed like a cat on its feet at Leftist HBO after having his ABC Politically Incorrect show cancelled for calling "Americans the cowards" not the terrorists!!!
- To the "Neo-Bolshevik" fanatics only whites and Christians can commit hate crimes... ...Sure right... ...we are all just Islamophobic!!!
- America never lost on the battlefields of Afghanistan!!! ...America was stabbed in the back!!!
- "If Biden can unilaterally force us to get the jab what can he do with our guns!?!?"
- "The Left are afraid of a free people!!! ...If you don't tote their Communist party line you are eliminated..."
- "They can force us to get the jab but not the illegal invading scum flooding the border!!!"
- "Leaving the billions of dollars of equipment to the filthy-towel-headed-terrorists was not 'incompetence,' it was a pure plan to destroy this country, our military, and our standing in the world..."
- Why do Blacks overwhelmingly refuse the jab??? ...What are they afraid of???
- "It was also a definitive plan to assassinate a right-winger at the Capitol on January 6th..." ..."Michael Leroy Byrd was tasked by Pelosi and the (CGC) centralized government complex and they rewarded him with protection!!!" ..."Whenever we talk about assassins we must always use their middle name!!!"
- What enforces the Constitution!?!? ...The free people of the Republic divided into political units called the sovereign independent States!!! ...If a marriage or union becomes too abusive, threatening to leave maybe the only way to bring about positive change... ...But, after the long train of abuse becomes too intolerable and overwhelming, peacefully leaving or ultimately getting a divorce is the only answer!!! ...SEE THOMAS JEFFERSON'S PRINCPLES OF 1798!!!
- As Thomas Jefferson (founder of the Republican party GOP) wrote, "When all government, domestic and foreign, in little as in great things, shall be drawn to Washington as the center of all power, it will render powerless the checks provided of one government on another, and will become as venal and oppressive as the government from which we separated."
- Brave SC Governor Henry McMaster Vows to Fight Biden to the Gates of Hell!
- Learn Bidenese!!!
Sunday, September 5, 2021
TRP! (9/3/21)
- The Senile Nasty Ole Bastard is just a malignant stooge... ...His handlers are wrecking the country... ...which was the "Foreign Occupier's" plan all along!!!
- How low can this sad treasonous faux Presidential saga go!?!? ...What you have now is a stab in the back of America by this regime, the "Media Criminals," & the woke sell-out-to-China corporations...
- How many unvetted terrorists have slipped into this country either via Afghanistan or from the overwhelmed Southern border!?!?
- Who really knows what's going though Biden's toilet of a mind!?!? ...He is the Cadaver in Chief!!!
- What is the real number of Americans "stranded" in Afghanistan!?!? ...Thank you Joe Talibiden...
- The caskets come home of the 13 heroes and all Biden can do is look at his watch and turn his back on grieving mothers!!!
- Frank properly defines "foul language!!!"
- Biden thinks he's playing the part of Clint Eastwood...
- The Left are living in a "apocalyptic comic book..."
- There needs to be a cleansing in the next election!!!
- Overturning Roe v. Wade would NOT outlaw abortion... ...just throw the matter back to the individual States where it Constitutionally belongs... ...Move to a State that more properly reflects your values if you choose!!!
- The devils on the Left call Larry Elder the "blackface of white supremacy..."
- Afghanistan virtually missing from New York Times front page amid Biden's foreign policy crisis...
- Rylee McCollum, mother of one of the Fallen 13 Heroes puts Full Blame on Biden (mentions stolen election)...
- Shana Chappell, mother of one of the Fallen 13 Heroes is banned from social media... BE HER VOICE!!!
Sunday, August 29, 2021
TRP! (8/27/21)
- The Senile Nasty Ole Bastard has American blood on his hands!!! ...13 American soldiers slaughtered because of his incompetence!!!
- The Biden Regime's decision to bugout from Afghanistan and violate the DJT exit plan and all the preset conditions on the Taliban was disgraceful!!!
- His decision to surrender the Bagram Airbase was another tactical and strategic blunder!!!
- This is all part of the Biden Leftist Gangrene New Deal plan... ...Their friend Communist China is the leader in battery production and they will now run Afghanistan dry as they are raped of their raw materials...
- This Faux Presidency has been a complete horror show from top to bottom!!!
- The "Foreign Occupier" & Susan Rice HATE THIS COUNRTY and are the puppet masters behind the scenes... ...They want this country humbled and on its knees... ...Biden was the perfect vessel to implement their Anti-American & Anti-white agendas...
- They want us to trust murderous & sadistic Taliban terrorists!!!
- There will be a day of reckoning coming to this country!!!
- NEVER LEAVE AMERICANS BEHIND!!! ...People and equipment BEFORE TROOPS you traitorous devils!!!
- "Neo-Bolshevik" woke political games are more important to the Pentagon then defeating the enemy!!!
- It's SO BAD that the French & British are criticizing us...
- Biden "takes responsibility..." ...BUT says it's DJT's fault... LOL.
- NAME the Americans that want to stay in that shithole Joe....
- Ashli Babbitt's assassin Michael Leroy Byrd was exposed here on TRP 6/18/21 ...(2) months before his Lester Holt interview!!!
- Don of PA, Gino, & Steve from Taxachusetts make one great call after another!!!
Sunday, August 22, 2021
TRP! (8/20/21)
Sunday, August 15, 2021
TRP! (8/13/21)
- The Biden Regime surrenders to the Taliban!!! ...In less than a week Jibber Jabber Joe allows Afghanistan to collapse and be overrun by terrorists!!! ...This is his Saigon moment...
- What else can be destroyed or go to hell after the stolen election!?!?
- "Sexual degenerate pervert Killer Cuomo the whoremonger resigns..." ...It still remains all about him... ..."But, will he be brought to justice for the murder of 15K people!?!?" ...But according to Biden "he did a lot of good things..."
- The Senile Nasty Ole Bastard sent the Secret Service scrambling when he walks into a bush on the side of the White House to take a wiz... ...Just put a diaper on him!!! ...Remember when he took a dump on the White House floor and blamed the dog!!!
- Every Socialist regime always runs their country into the ground...
- Frank didn't call them the "Media Criminals" for nothing....
- Run away inflation, crime running rampant, the border is a sieve, gasoline prices thru the roof... ..."Build Back Better..." LOL... ...Sending us back to the 70's maybe...
- Despite the "backstabbing Republicant's" look at all DJT accomplished!!!
- The obscene 3.5 trillion boondoggle bill was another stab in the back of the American people...
- White people down to 55% population... ...The Left's plan is succeeding!!! ...This is the "judification" of white people...
- Steve Cortes listens to TRP... ...John plays the audio which parrots last week's Al Capone point almost word for word...
- Instead of energy independence under DJT... ...Biden is trying the traditional Leftist answer... ...Beg OPEC to lower prices...
Sunday, August 8, 2021
TRP! (8/6/21)
- "Serial women abuser Cuomo proves the Democrat party breeds perverts, degenerates, & whoremongers!!!" ...Where are all the "Cuomosexuals" genuflecting now!?!? ....Where is all the fawning nation-wide acclamations from the minions!?!?
- The low-life has been caught but yet he blames the victims!!! ...All women have to be believed don't they!?!? ..."NO GOVERNOR IS ABOVE THE LAW!!!"
- The Cuomos are the "Jabroni Brothers!!!" ...While elderly people were being sent to their deaths they were putting on their jokey little act on CNN...
- "Criminal Cuomo truly is a monster!!!" ..."A homicidal maniac!!!" ..."The American Eichmann!"
- "Our Great Heroic Magnificent Beloved President DJT" has been given the Solutrean name "He who will not be conquered!!!"
- One can only wonder what type of perversions Kerry Kennedy was subjected to while married to Killer Cuomo for 15 years!?!?
- "Hay-Hay Ho-Ho Degenerate Killer Cuomo gotta go!!!" ..."He ruined that state!!!"
- What is more "National Socialist" than condemning 15,000 innocent souls to death!?!?
Sunday, August 1, 2021
TRP! (7/30/21)
- The sham congressional "show trial" on the "faux insurrection/riot" continues... ...Call it simply what it was... ...A "PASSIONATE PROTEST" by "idealistic people that had their reasons!!!"
- Was there one question about Ashli Babbitt!?!? ...Why was she murdered in cold blood!?!? ...Why did the centralized government police force stand down!?!? ...Where is all the hidden video footage!?!?
- The crybaby centralized police officers on the stand were pathetic... ...did they shed one tear for Ashli Babbitt!?!?
- "There is nothing that would stop the Left from exterminating you if they could..."
- Look at any "Neo-Bolshevik" country and it is based on corruption!!!
- "The Capitalists will sell us the rope from which to hang them from..." --Vladimir Lenin
- The Democrats are in bed with the Sino-Bolsheviks & the corrupt global corporations!!!
- The seductive "siren song" of the Left is, "here take everything for free..."
- The Socialist demonization of white people in this country is no different than the Socialist demonization of the Jews in Nazi Germany...
- Because DJT calls it like it is the Left hates him for it...
- DJT will be only the 2nd President to serve non-consecutive terms... ...Great Jeffersonian Grover Cleveland was the other...
- Like many others Frank believes Blade Runner was the best science fiction movie of all time... ...What the country would look like when the Left is through with it...
- You always read from the "Ministry of Lies" that DJT was "twice impeached..." ...you never read "twice acquitted!!!"
- Long time show participant George the Atheist and student of Objectivism reminded the listeners that he intimated on TRP back in January that Babbitt's assassin may be black. This based on George's keen photographic eye interpreting the shooter's hair and skin color from the much-viewed Jayden X video. ...A TRP exclusive!!!
- Forget hoodies... ....Was Ashli Babbitt profiled for her backpack!?!?
- George calls in once again and the back and forth continues for yet another week... ...Gino calls after and calls him "bad radio" and a "dirty rat and a little creep..."
Sunday, July 25, 2021
TRP! (7/23/21)
- The "Media Criminals" went hog-wild over Big Ego Anti-Trumper Jeff Bozos as he traveled to the edge of space for 11 minutes... (2.54 million per minute...) ...what a hero!!! ...Now how about doing something meaningful like treating your employees better...
- Frank remembers the truly great 1976 Olympics...
- "Treaties are like pie crusts... they are made to be broken..." --Vladimir Lenin
- "Sino-Bolshevik China is a hungry beast that will never be satisfied..."
- The low-life scum in Hollywood are in bed with China!!! ...Oh no there are no crimes against humanity happening over there...
- "Bolshevism is slavery!!!"
- Always beware when the Left uses the term "united front..."
- Why is no one calling the Sino-Bolsheviks "imperialists!?!?" ...Chinese "colonialists!!!" ...Where are the boycotts???
- "Corporations and their blood money have no morality..."
- When will the Left's next Reichstag fire begin???
- John wanted to smack that phony cowboy hat off Bozos' head...
- John plays many soundbites to validate all they have been saying about the Leftist faux insurrection & stolen election...
- Steve Cortes catches up to TRP on South Africa... takes Frank's theme that, "South Africa's present is our future..."
- As far as total prosperity... were the South African people better under Apartheid!?!?
- George H. W. Bush sold South Africa down the river...
- Pavlik Morozov became a powerful icon in the pantheon of Communist saints, a child-martyr worshiped for his feat of heroism: informing on his father...
- "The FBI (KGB) was in on the "attempted kidnapping" of Dim Whitmer... ...They also helped instigate January 6th..."
- The illegally fleeing Texas Legislative Dems bring their version of the plague to the national Neo-Bolsheviks in DC creating a "super-spreader event" we all actually can appreciate...
- 270 Leftist riots over the last year... ...AND ALWAYS Remember the appalling Leftist insurrection on the White House on MAY 30th when 22 secret service members ended up in the hospital!!!
- The ongoing battle with George the Atheist comes to a head in a private email battle with John & Frank...
Sunday, July 18, 2021
TRP! (7/16/21)
- Injustice, Torture, Murder & Exploitation are the tenets of Bolshevism!!!
- Bolshevism is antithetical to human beings, liberty, justice & the "rights of the individual!!!" ...and the Neo-Bolsheviks want the same type of ruthless subversion in this country!!!
- Trade with the West has fueled the Sino-Bolshevik monster!!!
- Bolshevism is DEATH!!! Bolshevism breeds corruption!!!
- Stalin famously said, "DEATH SOLVES ALL PROBLEMS... NO MAN NO PROBLEM!!!"
- WHERE IS THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT WHEN THE CUBAN PEOPLE NEED HELP!?!? ...If DJT was still in office they would get the help they need!!!
- Jeane Kirkpatrick's famous 1984 RC "Blame America First" keynote speech is remembered...
- If Marxist Leninist Bolshevism is so superior to the United States what do they need us for!?!? ...NEVER LET THE LEFT BLAME THE US EMBARGO for any of Cuba's problems...
- John of SI lays out some of the latest disgraceful election fraud evidence...
- Neo-Bolshevik Texas Legislature members illegally flee their elected responsibilities for safe haven in Communist Occupied DC to prevent new election integrity laws...
- Biden (Obama) eliminates Captive Nations Week...
- The time John From Conn famously slammed Coitus Sleazewa on CT radio is replayed... (soundbite 35 in the archive)
- Fake George, Manchurian Candidate George, Bizarro George... Take your pick...
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