Tucker takes Frank's long held "Kulak theme" this week... ...John plays the audio... ...Welcome to the party pal!!!
This is the same type of propaganda the National Socialists used against Jews... ..."White people are being marginalized, demonized, and dehumanized everyday by the Left!!!"
WURRRLDD Solutrean Radio: UPDATE... ..."He of the First Blood" explains Doggerland!!!
"The cry of racism is the last refuge of a Black scoundrel..."
The Biden Regime's staff and elected Democrats are fleeing in droves off the sinking ship!!!
The "D" in Democrat stands for disaster!!!
DO NOT TRUST JOE MANCHIN!!! ...He will eventually sign a "more moderate bill" once he stakes out his lofty chips in the big game...
NEVER USE the Leftist grammatical term "gender" ...use the proper English word "sex!!!"
The TRP Faithful gets a very special call from the ghost of Christmas present Ron from Joliet!!! ..."Don't forget to have gender with your significant other..." --Ron from Joliet
"Don't assume I am not corrupt..." --Joe Biden
LIVE Friday's 8:00 Eastern. Your Phone Calls and much much more!!! @ 1-718-761-9996!