- "He of the First Blood" is the Man Who Has Never Tasted Death!!!
- Are you happy with what you're paying for gasoline??? ...Are you happy with the riots, looting & murder!?!? ...Thanks to the Biden Regime we are beholden to OPEC once again...
- January 6th was the "Neo-Bolsheviks" first Reichstag fire... Watch out for their "gestapo tactics" with part two when they look to create a national emergency to suspend elections... ...They Seized power and now they are looking to solidify it...
- If they can go to your house to bang on your door to ask about the China virus vaccine when will they come knocking for your guns!?!?
- The Left is demonizing, marginalizing, & dehumanizing white people in this country!!!
- The biggest farce is that the Left cares about black people...
- Beware of all the Neo-Bolshevik "front groups" that get all the airtime in the "Ministry of Lies..."
- The "Foreign Occupier" wanted a national police force... ...His own personal storm troopers... ...Alas why the Left wants to defund & eliminate the "state & local police forces" now...
- The Left want to eliminate the racist white stars on the American flag and replace it with one that is more diverse with multi colored stars... ...Is Captain America soon to become Captain United Nations!?!?
- When the Neo-Bolsheviks complete their revolution white liberals are the first to go...
- The S.N.O.B (senile nasty ole bastard) is crippling American energy...
- Political Phrenologist Karl Marx thought most people were just "useless eaters..."
- Beware of the coming Indo-Sino Bolshevik war... ..."Setting off the greatest man-made cataclysm in history..."
- DJT is the only one that can stop the "Finlandization" of the world...
- Hophead Hunter's new Art career is his latest corrupt pay-for-play scheme... ...Nobody is more greedy than the Bidens...
- The Biden Regime doesn't have a "data base for the China virus vaccine recipients" they only need "policies which are powerful and impactful" to coerce free Americans...
WE WELCOME BACK TO THE PROGRAM TRP FAITHFUL FAVORITE: Jeffersonian Hero, Dr. Mark Andrew Holowchak—philosopher & historian!

Dr. Holowchak continues to face Leftist censorship from the mainstream as he dares to apply reason and objective thinking to the historiography of Thomas Jefferson!
As listeners know, we had the preeminent Jeffersonian scholar of our time, Dr. Mark Andrew Holowchak, on two weeks ago to talk about his book, Did Thomas Jefferson Really Father Sally Hemings’ Black Children (Edwin Mellen Press, 2021) and the necromancy of the "Left-wing" Thomas Jefferson Foundation for what he claims is promulgation of a myth.
The feedback for part 1 was tremendous as he destroyed the "Neo-Bolshevik" Sally Hemings cult...
Today he’ll talk about his upcoming companion book, Thomas Jefferson, Politically Corrected: My Travails as a Jeffersonian Scholar in Today’s Culture of Cancellation (Edwin Mellen Press, 2021). He briefly tells us his story of being cancelled by the Leftists revisionists in and around Monticello. He then segues his travails into a critical discussion of the indispensability of open, critical discussion for a thriving democracy.
The issue: What can we learn from the great Jefferson (Founder of the Republican party) to salvage our Republic? or will those of us who champion the ideals of "Jeffersonian Republicanism"—free speech, critical discussion, free enterprise, robust individualism, & localized democracy—be cancelled by the "Neo-Bolshevik" Mobocracy?
This is an amazing 2-hour discussion YOU SIMPLY WILL NOT HEAR ANYWHERE ELSE!
The problems we face today as a Republic are clearly defined and what can be done to preserve Freedom & Liberty for future generations is explored in depth!
LIVE Friday's 8:00 Eastern. Your Phone Calls and much much more!!! @ 1-718-761-9996!