- MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! to ALL in the TRP Faithful...
- Tucker takes Frank's long held "Kulak theme" this week... ...John plays the audio... ...Welcome to the party pal!!!
- This is the same type of propaganda the National Socialists used against Jews... ..."White people are being marginalized, demonized, and dehumanized everyday by the Left!!!"
- WURRRLDD Solutrean Radio: UPDATE... ..."He of the First Blood" explains Doggerland!!!
- "The cry of racism is the last refuge of a Black scoundrel..."
- The Biden Regime's staff and elected Democrats are fleeing in droves off the sinking ship!!!
- The "D" in Democrat stands for disaster!!!
- DO NOT TRUST JOE MANCHIN!!! ...He will eventually sign a "more moderate bill" once he stakes out his lofty chips in the big game...
- Rename the Javits center the DJT center!!!
- If you admire the "non-productive rich" vote Democrat!!!
- Why don't they investigate all the politicians that became wealthy AFTER taking office!?!?
- "DJT IS A PRODUCTIVE RICH PERSON!!!" ...A TRUE "Jeffersonian Republican!!!"
- The chimera of "civil unrest" will be used to suspend the elections...
- Franks wants to actually see "Republican results" before he votes for one of them again for Congress...
- NEVER USE the Leftist grammatical term "gender" ...use the proper English word "sex!!!"
- The TRP Faithful gets a very special call from the ghost of Christmas present Ron from Joliet!!! ..."Don't forget to have gender with your significant other..." --Ron from Joliet
- "Don't assume I am not corrupt..." --Joe Biden
Sunday, December 26, 2021
TRP! (12/24/21)
Sunday, December 19, 2021
TRP! (12/17/21)
- WSR!!! Wurrrrrld Solutrean Radio: Solutreanism & Western culture UPDATE!!!
- Frank predicts Joe Manchin will vote against BBB (big bag of bullshit) and there will be a move to draft him and make him a frontrunner for President...
- The "Crooked Ole Bitch" has plans to run again herself...
- Communist Dog "$100 Million Da Nang Dick Blumenthal" Should Resign Immediately for Supporting Mass Murderers by happily attending their awards banquet!
- Damning New Details Emerge Exposing Massive Web Of Unindicted Leftist Operators At The Heart Of January 6!
- Paraphrasing Maximus Decimus Meridius, "Thomas Jefferson had a dream that was these United States and this is NOT IT. ...THIS IS NOT IT!!!"
- With inflation running rampant under the Biden regime Americans may be forced to barter for goods...
- Look at what "the cancer of Socialism" did to Venezuela... ...The Democrats want that here... ...They want to destroy lives and this country!!!
- Orwellian names like the "Affordable Care Act" & "Build Back Better" are NOT fooling us...
- The dopey Dem talking point is still "the Republicans aren't for anything..." ...LOL! ...John rattles the short list off the top of his head...
- The Voting Rights Act equals "anybody can vote..." ...illegal invader... ...dead people... as long as they vote Democrat... ...Crazy Ole Joe Stalin Biden actually admits publically just like Stalin that "it's really those that count the votes that matter!!!"
- The Democrats are the "Enemy Within!!!"
- Laura Ingraham talks about what we have been saying for years... ...That the DEMs want to restrict your freedom by taking away the automobile...
- John From Conn calls in at the end of the show very frustrated over George's lack of knowledge about the jab and the disturbing misinformation he was spreading... ...John promises a Steve from Taxachusetts appearance to counter George's NY Times inspired drivel...
Sunday, December 12, 2021
TRP! (12/10/21)
- Every day is a complete "wipeout" for the Democrats!!! ...Their only minor victories these days seem to come from the Ole Crow Mitch and his quisling RINOs...
- After a lot of soul searching Frank says, "Sorry folks I will not be voting in any Congressional elections next year..." ...He's not going to be played for a sucker once again by the Republican'ts!!!
- 80 RINO devils voted for a Bill to allow the Fed to search your personal records...
- It's like watching organized crime... ...there is no moral difference between them, the factions only fight minor skirmishes with each other, they're all dangerous, and NOT ONE of them is one bit of good for the country... ...WAKE UP TO WHAT'S GOING ON!!!
- It's not about RINOs "learning to fight back" or "finding the killer instinct..." ...they know exactly what they are doing in the "establishment uniparty..." ..."They're ALL THEATRE and NO SUBSTANCE!!!"
- We remember when George Wallace proclaimed, "There's not a dime's worth of difference between the Democrat and Republican parties" and he was 100% right!!!
- There are only very minor differences between the two parties... especially without DJT around "the Greatest President Past Present & Future!!!"
- BOYCOTT the slaveholder-concentration-camp-running "SINO-BOLSHEVIKS" and their Olympics!!!
- Where are all the supposed "Human rights heroes" of the Left!?!?
- Let's see what happens with your "big red wave..." ...Frank predicts the same ole same ole...
- The unfrastructure bill is ONLY 11% infrastructure!!!
- FRANK & JOHN RIGHT AGAIN!!! ...THEY WERE THE FIRST TO CALL OUT THIS HATER of COLOR Jussie Smollett as a HOAXSTER & CRIMINAL!!! ...and what punishment!?!? ...sending him to jail is like sending him on a cruise... ...he'd find all the boyfriends he can handle and then some... ...We still doubt he spends a day in jail...
- The "Media Criminals" never once questioned the silly story of this degenerate...
- HOLLYWOOD HUMAN GARBAGE abound... ...Alec Baldwin is nothing but violent psychotic scum... ...He has a history of violence & threats!!!
- Yet Another Racial Justice Warrior in Training! Black Mother Orders the Racist Assault on 15-Year Old Asian girl!!!
- Sad tragedy as Tornadoes rip through Kentucky and surrounding states... Must be global warming right Leftist devils???
Sunday, December 5, 2021
TRP! (12/3/21)
- Will the woke mob now call for the cancellation of the song White Christmas!?!?
- The Left try to control the language so they can control your thoughts...
- This is all happening in "Biden's America..." ...Now a land of hate & failure!!! ...This is Biden's legacy...
- DJT was ready to get us out of the hot-air called the UN and turn the building into a Hotel & Casino!!!
- Where is the outrage in the UN at "Sino & Slavo-Bolshevik" aggression!?!?
- New Wuhan-Fauci funded variant called omicron not Xi to avoid offending "Sino-Bolshevik" ruler!!!
- The Chi-coms have people in concentration camps yet we will still go to their Olympics...
- Enes Kanter changes his last name to "Freedom" to bring attention to the Chinese slavery of the Uyghur people...
- DJT fired people to get better results... ...For the Biden regime it's always PR management...
- What happened to all the books written by disgruntled DJT cast-offs!?!? ...No one read them because everyone saw his results!!!
- Biden's draconian mandates are being blocked at every turn in the courts...
- The Democrat talking point of the week to distract from their failures is "the Republicans don't have any answers..."
- Peter Doocy exposes Minister Fauci on Illegal Invaders entering the country not being forced to be vaccinated...
- Never fall for the Left's BS term "the underclass..." ...supposedly because America is so oppressive...
- Lauren Boebert is quickly becoming the star of the Republican party!!! ...John plays her terrific response to the "Media Criminal" outrage over her funny joke...
- Alec Baldwin admits to shooting Halyna Hutchins but says he didn't pull the trigger... 🤔
- Chris Christie's book sells under 10,000 copies... LOL!
The "Woke Washing" & Attempted Cancellation of Thomas Jefferson by the Left!
We would like to welcome back to the program, Jeffersonian Hero, Dr. Mark Andrew Holowchak—philosopher, historian, and Commonwealthman!
Dr. Holowchak continues to face Leftist censorship from the mainstream as he dares to apply reason and objective thinking to the historiography of Thomas Jefferson!
The preeminent Jeffersonian scholar of our time returns to TRP to address the disgusting removal of the statue of Thomas Jefferson from New York City Hall!
Have we abandoned the consideration of truth??
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