Socialist Devil Trudeau wants to send his jack booted thugs in to crush the Peaceful Heroic Freedom Loving Trucker Convoy!!! ...Threats, violence, coercion & oppression is all they know!!!
The hundreds of thousands of liberty loving Canadians that have joined the Freedom Convoy are of course being marginalized, demonized, and dehumanized by the "Media Criminals" and Trudeau's Socialist dictatorial regime...
Now may be the time for certain provinces of Canada to join the United States... ...If any Canadian province chooses to declare its independence and agrees to the terms of the Constitution they can join the union and become fully sovereign states like the other 50 states...
"Free Healthcare" in Canada is a another Leftist big bag of bullshit!!! ...Canada is a joke!!!
The Left loved the sit-ins to block traffic and disrupt businesses in the 60's but suddenly now they oppose them!!! ...We thought the Left "loved the workers" but they want to smash these workers today!!! ...These hard-working Truckers are nothing but Kulaks to be manipulated and destroyed by the tyrannical elites!!!
George the Atheist/Objectivist is called into the first "Producer's Pit" for a simple friendly conversation with Bob of PA & John From Conn and an on-air insurrection ensues!!!
Queen Cheryl of NJ goes on an epic rant!!! ...It may be her best call ever!!!
LIVE Friday's 8:00 Eastern. Your Phone Calls and much much more!!!@ 1-718-761-9996!