Saturday, August 12, 2017

TRP! (8/11/17)

  • "The Kicking Ass and Taking Names President!!" promises "fire, fury, and power!!!"
  • He puts "Drunk, Fat, and Stupid" on notice!! ..."Time to get rid of this malignancy!!!"
  • Frank coined the term "Kim crime family" years ago!! ..."Not a government but a crime organization!!" ..."Their crimes have been forgotten!!"..."extortion, kidnapping, counterfeiting, and murder!!"
  • "Left wing scum and bags of human garbage" used to say, "better Red than dead!!" ..."Communist oppression rather than nuclear war!!" ...we instead say..."better the Reds are dead!!!"
  • "We need to unleash the samurai spirit of our little yellow brothers!!"
  • BJ Clinton "was a filthy, lying, traitorous, whoremonger, that allowed America to get extorted!!" ...Susan Rice is another criminal that says we need to live with "Drunk, Fat and Stupid!!"
  • "The America First, Last, and Always President!!"..."The Man who Loves America President!!" ..."Our Glorious President DJT!!" is slashing down government regulations with a machete!!" 
  • "The politicians that are supposed to represent the people...hate the people!!"
  • Fat tub of lard Michael Moore's Broadway play gets panned by the NY Slimes!!
  • Bill Nye would make a great Nazi Commandant!!
  • Bad News for Scott from Florida!! ...Ernst Zundel dies!!
  • Great author, Denis Mack Smith, also dies...  He caused a stir by refusing to regard Italian fascism and the rise of Benito Mussolini as an aberration!

"The Anti-White Anti-Semitic Caucus!!"

Your phone calls and much much more!!! @ 1-718-761-9996!

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