Saturday, August 26, 2017

TRP! (8/25/17)

  • Consumer sentiment is at it's highest point in months!! ...All thanks to DJT "the Alpha Male President!!" ..."The Man who loves America!" ..."He's doing exactly what he promised he would do and the American people are responding to his message!!" ..."He told us we would win!" ..."We're not tired of winning yet but we sure are winning!!" ...He is undoing the acts of outright treason by the "Foreign Occupier!!"
  • We had 8 years of anger, depression, and hatred of America from the "Foreign Occupation Regime!!" ..."Hatred for the Free Market!!" ..."America was not only economically depressed but psychologically depressed!!" ..."Everything was our fault and nothing was his fault! All he did was bad talk America here and around the world!!"
  • "The Left is apoplectic and acting like the ole Soviet Bolsheviks!!" ..."If we don't believe in Socialism or follow their lead we are mentally unhinged!!"
  • "Fat, Drunk, and Stupid" suffers from Freudian "missile envy!!" and fears "our Great President DJT!!!"
  • The mob now officially rules!! These people are nuts!!! ...ESPN's decision to pull announcer "Robert Lee" from game sparks outcry!!
  • "The South had every right to secede from the voluntary union they joined!!"
  • The Left refused to honor the 500th anniversary of the great Cristoforo Colombo!! ..."If you start with the supposition that America was started with a criminal act then all of America's history is an illegal act!!" ...Andrew "the-man-who-would-be-eating-out-of-garbage-cans-if-it-wasn't for-his-father" Cuomo mulls taking down the beautiful statue of "the greatest explorer the world has ever known!!"
  • The Left is throwing our proud history down the "memory hole!!" ...Frank references the book, The Commissar Vanishes: The Falsification of Photographs and Art in Stalin's Russia to show just some of their tactics!
  • The Left comes up with arcane and silly titles like "antifa" ...but ask any one of them the definition of fascism and watch their eyes gloss over!! ...If they did untie their tongues long enough to come up with something they simply would be describing themselves or Cuba!!
  • They're getting rid of our great hero's statues... what's next?...will they start burning books?!?! Just like in "the cultural revolution" under Mao roaming mobs take to the streets to destroy the culture...
  • The late great Dr. Robert Conquest said in his book, Reflections on a Ravaged Century, "in the West 'the tree of liberty' is pruned... under Bolshevism they want to chop it down!!"
  • It's time "our Glorious President DJT" resurrects the "Fairness Doctrine" to deal with the Left-wing "Media Criminals!!"...Use the Left's own tactics against them!! For every Left-wing scum bag that says something against DJT on air, we want to see the fair and balanced "Right side" presented or we shut them down!!!!
  • White supremacy?? More like Islamic supremacy!!
  • The heroic pardon of Joe Arpaio by "the man of action President!!"
  • George Foreman smacks down Colin Kaepernick!!
  • Ron from Joliet, Illinois gets his Solutrean name... "He who dodges bullets!!"
  • Visit the site!
Your phone calls and much much more!!! @ 1-718-761-9996!

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