Saturday, October 21, 2017

TRP! (10/21/17)

  • "Just when you think the Leftist savages can't go any lower...they sink to a even more dark and primitive level!!" ..."Vicious rabid-dog psycho and complete farce, the loathsome and vile Frederica Wilson, breaks the 'sacred seal' of a Presidential call to a slain veterans' widow as she politicizes the call publically!!!" ..."She hates this country as does the entire Congressional Dark Anti-White Anti-American Caucus!!"
  • "Our Great President DJT!!" ..."America's President!!" ..."The-man-who-takes-no-crap-and-keeps-his-promises President!!" ..."The man-who-loves-America!! the Patriotic President!!" ..."The-straight-talking-NO-BS President!!" ..."The man-who-speaks-for-the-unspoken President" ..."The Fight-Back!!-moving-Forward!! President!!!" battling hard tirelessly every day for the American People against both the "Demsheviks and the Republi-can'ts!!!"
  • "The Ministry of Lies' and Media Criminals' attempts to shake the voter's confidence with their constant barrage of propaganda will fail once again!!" ..."It's gone far beyond politics now!!! This is no-holds-barred combat!!!"
  • Frank says the "crooked ole bitch's" broken toe is the result of another TIA (Transient Ischemic Attack!!) ..."She had another mini-stroke!! Another nervous collapse!!" ..."She uses a pathetic cliche right out of a Peter Sellers' movie in reference to Benghazi!!" ..."She got lost in the fog of war!!"
  • John I'm not Fonda Kerry, "committed treason when he signed off on giving $150 billion to the lunatics with the filthy towels wrapped around their heads in Parthia!!!"
  • As we near Halloween the psychotic-megalomaniac "the Foreign Occupier" rises out of his coffin to attack our Great President DJT!!!" ..."He hates this country!!"
  • "It's time for John Mclame to punch the clock for eternity!!"
  • George W. Bush stabs DJT in the back and is no better than the unholy trio of the "Foreign Occupier", John I'm not Fonda Kerry, and the "crooked ole bitch!!!" ...Ain't a dimes worth of difference between them!!! ..."They are just different wings of the same corrupt party..."  ..."Try them for treason!!!" 
  • George Orwell said in Animal Farm, about society, "all animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others!!!" 
  • "When a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security." --The greatest Republican, the immortal Thomas Jefferson, hero of the "productive class!!"
  • "Vintage John of SI!!" calls into Larry Mendte and Mark Simone!!!
Your phone calls and much much more!!! @ 1-718-761-9996!

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