Saturday, October 7, 2017

TRP! (10/6/17)

  • No shock to the TRP faithful... The Left rushes headlong into politicizing the massacre of 58 great white Americans!!! ...John calls on every "red blooded butt kicking American" to "get their gun" and hold on tight from the "ghoul party!!!" ...They are not really interested in "saving lives!!" ..."The Left's long term goal is to disarm us all so we fall to the tyranny of their obsessive dictatorial agenda..."
  • "Our Great President DJT!!" ..."The Man who loves America President!!" has been a rock of stability!!! He has had a most calming and soothing effect on our heavily wounded hearts!!!
  • Frank thoroughly dissects the Vegas massacre!!! ..."Casualties of the next American Civil War!!!" ..."This smells of the Left and Islam!!!" ...Don't fall for the "his ole man was nuts" theory!!! ..."If you are not a 'stu-dant' of history you are a 'vic-dam' of history!!!" ..."This is straight out of the Leftist playbook!!!"
  • More pie on the face of the Left: The "Foreign Occupation Regime" OK'ed the dreaded "bump stock!!" in 2010!!
  • Hitlery is not a "has-been!!!" She is a "never-was!!!" ...She got "Trump-ed!!!" ...The "crooked ole bitch" dares to wave her finger in indignation!!! 
  • "Our 2nd Amendment right along with all our individual rights are not given to us by man, but are given to us by the Almighty!!!" ...Frank will "stock pile and protect the compound!!!" ..."From my cold dead hands!!!"
  • Typical example of Liberal scum, CBS lawyer, Hayley Geftman-Gold, terminated for writing what they all think. They are "not even sympathetic bc country music fans are often republican gun toters!!" ..."They are vicious vile cold-blooded vampires, leeches and vermin, low-life political parasites sucking the blood out of those that were sacrificed!!!"
  • Another member of Hollywood's finest!!! The sexual filth and scumbag Harvey Weinstein is exposed!!! ..."Will lunatic Ashley Judd screech her nasty anger and self-righteous indignation about him the way she hysterically screeched out against "Our Great President DJT!!!" ..."The truly patriotic President!!!"  ..."Will the Left picket and boycott Miramax!?!?" ..."One person at that concert is worth a million of them!!!"
  • "TRP recognizes and honors the greatest explorer of all time!!! The one and only Cristoforo Colombo!!! The one that made it all possible!!! One of the greatest achievements in history!!!" ..."If you dare to denigrate him you denigrate all of our history that followed him!!!" ...The truth about the savage Beringians does not escape the great "He of the First Blood!!!" ...Columbus reclaimed "New Solutrea!!!"  ..."What would the world look like without him and without the United States!?!?" ..."1492 also the year that Spain expelled the Muhammadan hoards!!!"
Your phone calls and much much more!!! @ 1-718-761-9996!

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