Saturday, June 16, 2018

TRP! (6/15/18)

If he doesn't get the Award now end the Award!
  • "Our Great President DJT" ..."The Prince of Peace President!!!" ...The "Diplomatic Genius President!!!" has made our economic lives Great Again!!! ..."He also has made the wurrrld safe again!!!" ..."Most importantly he makes us all sleep soundly at night again!!!" ..."He's single-handedly disarmed NK of their nuclear weapons!!!" ..."He's accomplished what no other President before him could!!!"
  • "The Left's propaganda is so devilish and insidious that at this point it's time to erase and mute them from the public record..." ..."Etch their names off of all the tablets and move on!!!"
  • DJT needs to bring the "Media Criminals" to their knees with his own version of the "Fairness Doctrine!!!" ..."If the Left doesn't clean up their act he should have their licenses revoked!!!" ..."Bring true journalism back to the airwaves and let both sides be fairly heard!!!"
  • "What kind of blind mush heads follow this rabid mad-dog Left-wing nonsense!?!?" ..."They would crumble before any one of the TRP Faithful if they had to talk policy, history, or the Constitution!!!"
  • The Left once again wags the dog away from another great week of DJT's successes... This time with the NY AG picking now to file a law suit against the Trump Foundation!!! ...DJT swiftly & rightly vows not to settle!!!
  • "The Foreign Occupier" ..."The Enemy of America President!!!" couldn't lay the groundwork for hell's economy!!!
  • "END the White House daily briefings!!!" ..."They have turned into mere sounding boards for these obnoxious Left-wing kook reporters!!!" ...Jim Acosta is nothing more than a wise cracking attack poodle of the Left!!!
  • DJT takes a line from Frank von Queens and correctly calls the "Ministry of Lies" Public Enemy #1!!!
  • Always remember folks... "The opposite side of the coin of diversity is adversity!!!"
  • The Left has infected racial and sex quotas on the meritocracy that once was the scientific community!!!
  • "Bolshevik Russia was Ethiopia with missiles!!!" ..."The same is true of North Korea!!!"
  • "Every triumph that DJT has proves how wrong they were for 8 years!!!" ..."This makes the Left insane!!!
  • Look for an astronomically high 4.8% quarterly GDP jump!!! ...Just incredible!!!
  • "Political Pedophilia" is when the Left uses children for political gain...
  • The "blue wave" is going to be nothing more than a ripple..."a puff of smoke" dreamed up by the "Media Criminals!!!"
  • "Results!!! ...Not flowery rhetoric!!!" 
  • The criminal KGB called us all "POS"!!! ..."These are vicious hateful people!!!"
  • "We are here to be governed with our consent!!! Not to be ruled without our consent!!!"
  • Check out the "TRP CHAT BOX" on the Main Page for weekly contributions from members of the TRP Faithful!!!
Your phone calls and much much more!!! @1-718-761-9996!