Sunday, June 2, 2019

TRP! (5/31/19)

  • "The jealous slime balls and power crazy thugs on the Left still infest the District of Columbia!!!" ...All while they continue to infect the rest of the country with their insane beliefs!!! ..."All they have is obsessive hatred and vituperative venom!!!" ..."Their last ditch impeachment balloon has lost all its air..."
  • "Our Great, Heroic, Magnificent, Beloved, DJT the Invulnerable President!!!" has a moral armor around him!!! ..."The 2020 steamrolling Trump freight train cannot be stopped!!!"
  • "Tariff the Mexicans until they stop the filthy vermin from pouring into our country!!!" ..."The Democrats don't want to fund the wall and do what is right for the American people!!!" ..."There is no enemy of America the Left will not appease!!!"
  • TCB (That Cortez Broad) goes back to her restaurant roots to relive her two favorite old jobs... One being that of a waitress and the other turning tricks in the men's bathroom for $5 a trick... She was there to push for the failed "Socialist minimum wage policy" which as we all know hurts the poor who now will not be hired because the jobs they seek are not worth the higher minimum wage... 
  • Our prayers are with the flood victims in the middle America... ...They get knocked down and pick themselves back up again... ...That's DJT country baby!!! 
  • "The Left is a virus that is infecting America... especially academia!!!"
  • Frank presents hard evidence that human evolution began in Europe rather than Africa!!!
  • DJT uses John & Frank's "Thank you!!!" in a Tweet!!!
  • Caller Mel From Saratoga pays the price to fellow blacks for wearing a MAGA hat in an inner city neighborhood while on hold with John of SI!!!
Your phone calls and much much more!!! @1-718-761-9996!