Sunday, June 30, 2019

TRP! (6/28/19)

  • "Who won the Democrat debate??? ...DJT!!!"
  • "Anybody that watched the Demshevik debate saw a 2-night clown show!!! ...What a bunch of pathetic losers!!! ...They are all liars and hypocrites!!!" ...Fanatics and Lunatics!!! "
  • "Old Joe is quickly sliding into senility... ...Bernie is just out of his mind... Kamala only has the race card... Slime-well was nothing but hateful...  ...They got more and more insane and hateful as the night went on!!!"
  • Free medical care for illegal vermin... Open borders... Hatred for Christians... Judeophobia... Tax the middle class & push class warfare... Pander to the Parthian bastards ... Break up the armed forces... Hatred for DJT... Remove the tax cuts... Single-payer socialized-medicine with no private insurance...
  • The Democrat nominee is sure to be the biggest Trump Hater!!!
  • It's "unwed mothers"... not "single mom's"...
  • "That Cortez Broad" stages a propaganda skit about supposed "abused kids" at the border... The Left have always been "political pedophiles!!!" ...For the longest time they have gone out of their way to use children as props to advance their devilish plans...
  • The Left believes men now need "reproductive rights"...
  • Left-wing Hollywood always glamorizes the Bolshevik side of the Spanish Civil War and endlessly portrays them as heroes...
  • "Afrocentrism" is now turning out to be nonsense!!!
  • The great Mel from Saratoga Springs returns!!! ...He was the victim of a "hate crime!!!" ...He was in fact ambushed and blind-sided by sick Left-wing thugs while calling in live to TRP!!! ...Why??? Because he was an African American wearing Trump gear!!!
  • "Liberals want to keep you broke so they can control you!!!"
  • "To the Left reason is weakness!!!"
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