- The Left has an unembarrassability when it comes to being exposed for all their theft and graft!!!
- Priority number one is getting the border under control!!!
- The more the Left hates you the more you know you are doing things right!!!
- Mike Johnson needs a course in Free Enterprise economics!!!
- Vile Jasmine Crockett is the new AOC...
- Ed Markey is calling for insurrection!!!
- After Elon Musk steals the old people's social security then he can finally go out a buy a few things he needs... LOL!
- Vampires amongst us... and I don't mean the 150 to 369 year olds... These Leftist devils have done all they could to suck us dry...
- The sun of American liberty had been eclipsed by the Left and the Quisling Right for years!
- Dishonor, injustice, treachery, meanness, and perfidy sums up these Leftist devils...
- DJT always vindicated in the end... The Democrats are manufacturers of lies & retailers of filth!
- Ka$h is money in the bank for the free & enlightened American people!
- Certainly not perfectly clear in your wording, it is actually the majorities of people of each sovereign state en masse that imbues the power Stephen... but we get the point... go get em...
- A most miserable tool of the almost abandoned faction that has ever disgraced a free country...
- Witness the foul water which continually issues through that sewer...