- English is finally the official language!!!
- The Left doesn't like it when the United States has a strong leader!!!
- The Left hates putting America first!!! They love to enrich themselves first!!!
- GIVE DJT "the Prince of Peace" the Nobel Peace prize!!!
- The Democrats & Soros get caught organizing & staging the protests against DOGE...
- Democrat Senator Sheldon Whitehouse is scandalously caught in a graft scheme involving enriching himself & his wife...
- Vile Joy Behar lies and slanders Elon Musk saying he supported Apartheid...
- California was caught using Medicaid to pay for art & music lessons... Oregon was caught using Medicaid to pay for cooking classes...
- The Democrats are in chaos... There is no straightening out the Left...
- The mask of patriotism may be worn to conceal the most venal corruption & foulest designs against the American people...
- MSDNC cancels Joy Reid’s lefty show as network makes major shakeup over falling ratings... Leftist liars are dropping like flies...
- The Donald confronts Alec Baldwin on the streets of NY...
- One of the biggest comedians online right now uses Frank's "DJT" and does so emphatically! As we told you Bob of PA and others... Be πππ like TRP!
- Some like hogs love dabbling in the muddy water and will always be charging the most virtuous with crimes which they lament their own ill success in...
- The extreme licentiousness of ignorance...
- Amazing an hour after Gene Hackman is found dead and already "no foul play suspected"... Better check if Alec Baldwin has an alibi...
- π ππ π I haven't laughed this hard in a while... Leftist "genius" Neil deGrasse Tyson looking like Ralph Kramden on Jeopardy homina homina... Ultimately bested by 2 clueless actresses...
- The enemies of order are numerous... America will broker peace because it is in our interest and be repaid in resources... First by getting this dictator in line... Putin is next...