- It's been a terrible week for the Democrats...
- Lawfare is all the Left has but it will not stop DJT the American juggernaut!!!
- This is a judicial insurrection and a Neo-Bolshevik lawfare coup!!!
- Get ready for the Trump economic miracle folks!!!
- It wasn't a "revolution" it was a Bolshevik coup!!!
- The Left are gangsters & thugs... they are calling for the murder of Elon Musk... They are trying to scare every Tesla driver!!!
- Put these Leftist domestic terrorists on chain gangs!!! Leftist political violence is rampant all over the country!!!
- Nothing is more certain a mark of degeneracy, than when a public act or public character shrinks from the test of free investigation...
- Convulsions of patriotic spirit should find an opiate in the exercise of such philanthropic duty...
- Typical miserable Leftist mutant...
- As said by TRP prophets first...
- The truth may be suppressed by violence, but it will ever triumph amidst freedom of inquiry...
- The determined friends of public liberty we are the steady advocates of the truth and transparency in government...
- Your Democrat geniuses... In this moment they are in complete disarray and not far from extinction...
- Clarification: to you our fellow freemen, to you the people of the States united, the only supreme sovereigns of our Republic. We have granted only a certain limited set of enumerated powers to the national government under Article 1 section 8. We do not recognize (under our fundamental law, the Constitution of 1787) this contrived modern statist idea of a "centralized democracy" but only recognize our truly intended "decentralized Republic." (See Tenth Amendment.) What is to stop the Democrats (cheaters or not) from returning in four short years with their deep state corruption and undoing all these reforms? Restore the undelegated powers back to the sovereign people of the States and remove it from the disorderly federal bureaucracy (bloated boondoggles and centralized authority are synonymous...)
- Boer ingenuity...
- Trust Roberts as far as you could toss him...
- Citizens of each State, sovereigns of our free Republic, lend an attentive ear! Hoorah! Rejoice! You are regaining the sovereign right of local self-government! Proceed sir! Returning competition back to education! The undelegated power rightfully back where it belongs with the people of each individual sovereign State!
- Ronald Reagan a true Jeffersonian Republican hero! Restore Ronald Reagan's profound executive order 12612 and reset the Republic!