- The irresponsible leaders on the Left and their outlandish rhetoric, divisive hatred, and insidious propaganda will end up causing more violence against Republicans and Conservatives!!! ...Frank was the first to predict this will inevitably lead to a "2nd American Civil War" or what he calls a "Neo-Bolshevik Revolution" created and instigated by the Left... ...When will the appropriate action be taken to restore order?!?!
- Fox News uses Frank's "Trump Economic Miracle" this week!!!
- 2 big Supreme Court decisions go the people's way!! (Upholding the terrorist travel ban & stopping union election coercion.)
- Slavery was not what the Confederate Army fought for during the "War of Northern Aggression!!!"
- "The Left declares war on ICE!!! Their tactics come right out of Bolshevik Russia or Maoist China!!!"
- Arrest crazy ole low IQ street scum and criminal gangster politician, Maxine Waters, for inciting riots & violence!!!
- Who is the bigger Left-wing vermin and fat slob!?!? Michael Moore or Rob Reiner?!?!
- "The Left is an empty vessel... a derelict hulk floating in the sea of American politics..."
- DJT is so racist Black unemployment is at an all time low...
- "The last refuge of a Left-wing scumbag is the cry of racism..."
- The more the "Ministry of Lies & Propaganda" pushes their vomit the more the people support DJT!!!
- George the Atheist calls in with the scoop on the Left's rising crack pot Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez...
- Anthony Kennedy retires... DJT "The Heroic picker of Right-wing Jeffersonian Supreme Court Originalists" will make his choice on July 9th!!!
- Who on the Left will be the first to call his well qualified nominee "out of the mainstream or an extremist???" ...You know it's coming folks.....
Saturday, June 30, 2018
TRP! (6/29/18)
Saturday, June 23, 2018
TRP! (6/22/18)
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- Frank realized and stated many years ago that "The Ministry of Lies" is Public Enemy#1!!!
- "Civil Wars come incrementally..." ..."We are building up to the 2nd American Civil War..." ..."Who's side will you be on???"
- Frank predicts that the filthy vermin on the Left will declare a Civil War when "our Great President DJT!!!" ..."The Sane Immigration Policy President!!!" is triumphantly elected for a 2nd term!!!
- The "Neo-Bolsheviks" are getting more extreme and insane!!! ..."The bullies" on the Left are all about violence as a means to an end but like all criminal uprisings their violence will eventually be snuffed out!!!
- "Degenerate Peter Fonda is vile scum and a piece of human garbage that should be arrested for threatening Melania and Baron Trump!!!" ...(Lock up his sister Jane for good measure...) ...Compare Roseanne Barr's innocuous remark to his!!! ...His phony apology will be accepted but not hers... (The Conners will be a flop without her!)
- We never say "Nazi"... Properly call them what they were... "National Socialists!!!"
- Always support the Angel Families!!! Those noble families that lost loved ones to illegal invading vermin!!! ...How about some "compassion" for them you fraud hypocrites on the Left!?!?
- As the late great Bob Grant once said, "The Left is like an elephant dangling from a cliff with its tail tied to a daisy..."
- Central & Western Europe are committing "national suicide" with their immigration policies!!! ...You do not see Muhammadanism in Southern and Eastern Europe because they have embraced and reasserted their Nationalism...
- The American KGB is a rogue outlaw agency!!! ..."They wanted to nullify your vote and committed treason!!!"
- The Left does not believe in the rule of law... they believe in "political expediency!!!"
- John makes another great call to Larry Mendte and makes him aware of Frank's coined phrase "Political Pedophilia" and he loved it!!!
- Fascism was a "reaction to Bolshevism"... Mannerheim, Franco, and Salazar saved their countries from Bolshevism!!!
- John From Conn recently spoke with the curator of the Ellis Island Museum and he was told that over 50% of the immigrants that came here from 1900-1925 repatriated back to their country of origin mainly because there was no work for them here... They didn't stick around to collect government free bees because there were none!!!
Saturday, June 16, 2018
TRP! (6/15/18)
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If he doesn't get the Award now end the Award! |
- "Our Great President DJT" ..."The Prince of Peace President!!!" ...The "Diplomatic Genius President!!!" has made our economic lives Great Again!!! ..."He also has made the wurrrld safe again!!!" ..."Most importantly he makes us all sleep soundly at night again!!!" ..."He's single-handedly disarmed NK of their nuclear weapons!!!" ..."He's accomplished what no other President before him could!!!"
- "The Left's propaganda is so devilish and insidious that at this point it's time to erase and mute them from the public record..." ..."Etch their names off of all the tablets and move on!!!"
- DJT needs to bring the "Media Criminals" to their knees with his own version of the "Fairness Doctrine!!!" ..."If the Left doesn't clean up their act he should have their licenses revoked!!!" ..."Bring true journalism back to the airwaves and let both sides be fairly heard!!!"
- "What kind of blind mush heads follow this rabid mad-dog Left-wing nonsense!?!?" ..."They would crumble before any one of the TRP Faithful if they had to talk policy, history, or the Constitution!!!"
- The Left once again wags the dog away from another great week of DJT's successes... This time with the NY AG picking now to file a law suit against the Trump Foundation!!! ...DJT swiftly & rightly vows not to settle!!!
- "The Foreign Occupier" ..."The Enemy of America President!!!" couldn't lay the groundwork for hell's economy!!!
- "END the White House daily briefings!!!" ..."They have turned into mere sounding boards for these obnoxious Left-wing kook reporters!!!" ...Jim Acosta is nothing more than a wise cracking attack poodle of the Left!!!
- DJT takes a line from Frank von Queens and correctly calls the "Ministry of Lies" Public Enemy #1!!!
- Always remember folks... "The opposite side of the coin of diversity is adversity!!!"
- The Left has infected racial and sex quotas on the meritocracy that once was the scientific community!!!
- "Bolshevik Russia was Ethiopia with missiles!!!" ..."The same is true of North Korea!!!"
- "Every triumph that DJT has proves how wrong they were for 8 years!!!" ..."This makes the Left insane!!!
- Look for an astronomically high 4.8% quarterly GDP jump!!! ...Just incredible!!!
- "Political Pedophilia" is when the Left uses children for political gain...
- The "blue wave" is going to be nothing more than a ripple..."a puff of smoke" dreamed up by the "Media Criminals!!!"
- "Results!!! ...Not flowery rhetoric!!!"
- The criminal KGB called us all "POS"!!! ..."These are vicious hateful people!!!"
- "We are here to be governed with our consent!!! Not to be ruled without our consent!!!"
- Check out the "TRP CHAT BOX" on the Main Page for weekly contributions from members of the TRP Faithful!!!
Saturday, June 9, 2018
TRP! (6/8/18)
- To the Left the Truth hurts! America is "riding high" and Liberals all over this great country are miserable!! They are filled with vile hatred and it's eating them up inside!!! ...It's the "fantastic results that count!!! ...not what they say!!!" ..."DJT is eviscerating the Left!!!
- "DJT the Negotiating Genius President!!!" is laying down the law around the wurrrld!!!
- "Drunk, Fat, & Stupid" will soon be brought to his knees!!! ..."He has been backed into a corner like the rat he is!!!" ..."He doesn't even have the money to pay for his suite of rooms at the Singapore Summit!!!"
- After only 500 days there are more jobs than people to fill them!!! ..."It's the TRUMP ECONOMIC MIRACLE!!!" ..."He's done what they said couldn't be done!!!"
- Don't fall for the ole Leftist "Dinkins' trick" ...(Twisting the great economic results a Free Enterpriser always brings by crediting those results to the Socialist that was in office directly before them...)
- DJT was left some mess by the Left...
- Manufacturing jobs are returning in droves despite what the "Foreign Occupier" said "could never be done!!!" ...He was the "Lying Scumbag-in-chief!!!" ...The magnitude of his "high crimes and treasonous misdemeanors" are just inconceivable to those not paying attention!!!
- America was sounding retreat under the treasonous "Foreign Occupation Regime!!!" ...One of their biggest goals was to strangle the American economy!!! ..."DJT the Sounding the Charge President" never retreats!!!
- Bill Clinton was a "degenerate perverted ole whoremonger!!!" ...Every single great thing that is happening right now would be happening in reverse if the "crooked ole bitch" was in office!!!
- Rudy Giuliani quotes Frank von Queens!!!
- North Korea is the wurrrld's first "Communist Monarchy"... what a Leftist contradiction!!!
- The "Philadelphia Eagle thugs" were quite properly disinvited from the White House!!! ...They should have been told to "drop dead!!!"
- If the reciprocity of "Queer marriage" is forced on the States by the Left as they try to get one State's marriage licenses honored in every State then we have the constitutional right to force the reciprocity of gun licenses in every State!!!
- Leftist piece of human garbage Anthony Bourdain hangs himself!!! ...He couldn't live with a life full of contradictions and hypocrisy... Why can't they all come to this same realization?!?!
Saturday, June 2, 2018
TRP! (6/1/18)
- John lays out this week's full slate of winning!!! ..."Our Great President DJT" has us winning on every front despite the minute by minute barrage of insidious propaganda from the Left!!!
- "The Left wants to destroy your life!!! Liberalism is Death!!! Liberalism kills!!!"
- The Demsheviks want DJT arrested for publicly announcing good news!!!
- Read: The Time of Stalin: Portrait of a Tyranny, by Anton Ovseyenko
- Read: Rising '44: The Battle for Warsaw, by Norman Davies
- Read: Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler and Stalin, by Timothy Snyder
- Watch: Back to Bataan, with John Wayne & Anthony Quinn.
- Why doesn't anyone on the Right have the "spark of divinity" Nancy you "crooked ole bag!?!?"
- The Left believes everyone that voted for DJT is a racist...
- The Left eats another one of their own as they take Roseanne down for "joking" about Valerie "the Muslim Brotherhood meets the Planet of the Apes" Jarrett!!! ...Jamie Foxx said, "he gets to kill all of the white people (in his crap racist movie) how great is that!" ...and yet he's still working!!!
- Samantha Bee spews more hate against Ivanka Trump!!! ...But, the President is the divisive one...
- Uncle Warren was emotionally moved and brought to tears by guest Piotr Szkopiak's movie and calls in to share his feelings with him and asks some great questions...
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