Prime TRP example of a "Republi-can't" |
"Focusing on the 'minority party Democrats' is for the empty-headed and the half-educated!!" ..."The cowardly Republicans won because of DJT!!" ..."He was an outsider and won without them!!" ..."They control everything now...get off your asses and get moving!!!" ..."Repeal Obama-scam!!!"
The Left are "psychotic paranoids!!" ...They are "Ru-SEE-ah-phobes!!" ..."There is a Ruski under every bed!!" ..."They use the old diversionary trick, accuse others of what you are guilty of!!" ..."No matter how much they try to frame DJT Jr. it will not stick!!"
Frank vows to stand by the 11th commandment!! "Thou shalt not criticize our Great President DJT!!" ..."the fighting President!!" ..."Let them meet the stonewall of resolve!!" ..."Let them talk themselves blue in the face...stand your ground!!"
"DJT is digging us out from the dung pile the 'Foreign Occupier' dropped on the American people!!" ..."His plan was to do as much damage to the country as possible..."
Frank famously told Rush "the entertainer" ..."that Russia is Ethiopia with missiles!!" ...they are nothing more than a "kleptocracy!!"
The best Jimmy Carter could come up with to combat the Ruskies?? ...Boycott the Olympics!! That'll teach them!!
Frank mentions the book, The World Was Going Our Way: The KGB and the Battle for the the Third World - Newly Revealed Secrets from the Mitrokhin Archive (2006) by Christopher Andrew.
Why isn't the Left talking about the "crisis of Chicago!!" ...because one of theirs is running the city?!? ..."Where is black lives matter?!?"
Bob from Stoney Point gives us his excellent Ayn Rand quote of the month, "that which you do not know is not a moral charge against you, but, that which you refuse to know is an account of infamy growing in your soul!"
"Our votes count and there will be reverberations next election!!"
Your phone calls and much much more!!! @ 1-718-761-9996!
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