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Historic Election Anniversary for all the "deplorables!!!" |
- John puts the phony, desperate, and manufactured excitement of the Demsheviks on display in another great opening!! ..."They only won what they were expected to win!!"
- Frank discusses the 100th anniversary of the "Bolshevik coup!!" ...He accurately points out it was not a revolution!!! ...No matter how much he reads about them he is always amazed at the level of evil of those murdering homicidal bastards!!
- TRP celebrates the 1 year anniversary of "our Great President DJT's" historic election day victory!! ..."Rush the Entertainer" is a coward, phony, & a fraud!! ...He didn't have the balls to speak his convictions about DJT!!!" ..."He has no real influence on us or anyone else!!"
- John doesn't believe the "convenient accusations" against Roy Moore!! ...The timing is too "Strange" to believe!!! ...Of course, worthless filthy lowlife cowards, John McLame and McConnell rush to judgment of a fellow Republican...asking him to step down without evidence!! ..."Why don't you step down first?!?!" ..."That cancer has eroded his brain!!!" ..."Hopefully he lives long enough to see the great people of Alabama vote Roy Moore in!!!"
- DJT drove a stake through "the vampiric heart" of the "Foreign Occupier!!!"
- The Left hates corporations!!! They delay the corporate tax break and much needed relief for productive Americans!!!
- John plugs the "legendary" Frank von Queens on Larry Mendte!!! ..."The cry of racism is the last refuge of a black scoundrel!!!"
- The Left eat their own once again!! ...They turn on Donna Brazile!!! ...She tells those monsters to go to hell!! ..."If you disagree with them they'll put you in a nut house...If they don't put you in nut house...they'll put you in a death camp!!!"
- John I'm not Fonda Kerry blames America for "Drunk, Fat & Stupid's" nuclear arsenal!!! ..."He puts the United States on the same plane with tyrants and murderers!!!"
- Frank recalls the true story behind the "traitorous and infamous" Dalton Trumbo & the Hollywood 10!!!
PLUS visit the Main Page!!!: FOR A VERY SPECIAL INTERVIEW with Michael Maharrey (National Communications Director for the Tenth Amendment
Center!!!) YOU WILL NOT HEAR THIS TYPE OF INTERVIEW ANYWHERE ELSE!!! ..."If you are not a 'stu-dant' of history you are a 'vic-dam' of history!!!"
Your phone calls and much much more!!! @ 1-718-761-9996!
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