Thank gawd... ...Ruth Ginsburg finally becomes a good red... ...How long will it take for the quisling moderate Republicant's to cave from the pressure of the "Media Criminals" and postpone the new Supreme Court appointment until after the election!?!?
"Our Great Heroic Magnificent Beloved DJT is the Messiah President!!!" as he seems to be doing gawd's work... bringing peace to the Middle East all while protecting & saving American lives here at home!!!
Sorry John I'm Not Fonda Kerry... it sure looks like peace is possible without Palestine... ...All while standing up to the pure evil that is Parthia!!!
"South Africa's present is our future!!!" ...Communist "rolling blackouts" sweep thru California...
We are still waiting to see our first "white supremacist..." ...While Black Supremacy Matters is still running rampant... ...The only "systemic racism" is against white people because thanks to the Left you can now get away with it....
Both Kamala and Sleepy Creepy Joe speak dubiously of a "Harris Administration..."
Liberals of course are responsible for the fires and destruction in California with their crazy environmental policies... ...Refusing to clear the dried out brush... ....Putting snails and insects before people and property!!!
Frank discusses the misconceptions in the movies
The Longest Day &
The Sorrow & the Pity and the
actual fact that only about 2% of the weakling French population resisted the National Socialists!!! ...
We'd still rather have a German division in front of us than 10 French divisions behind us...The Democrats are the "Party of the Moment..." ...They have no actual core beliefs that are ever supportable... ...Just pure evil interested only in political & personal power...
The Left always want you to sacrifice to the "collective!!!" ...You're not an individual and do not have "individual rights" in the minds of these Marxist "Neo-Bolshevik" devils!!!
DJT dominates the ABC rigged Town Hall dominated by Leftist plants...
John From Conn and World Council of Solutrean Elders member, the great "He Who Guards the Bones of the Ancestors," (Matty's Uncle Warren,) reminisce 20 years of TRP EXCELLENCE!!! ...Uncle Warren's Uncle was one of the "great white heroes" that worked for NASA during its "golden age..." ...Also the SyFy Channel wants to buy and radically alter Uncle Warren's terrific TRP movie screenplay...