After another late-night of carousing the Governator & Slick Willy of Chappaqua NY surprise us and call in after a long absence from TRP!!! ...Frank & John roll out the red carpet and treat them both with kid-gloves as per usual...
The "Neo-Bolsheviks" & Biden "cross the Rubicon!!!" ...They bring in and quarter troops on mass in Washington DC!!! ...Their "January 6th Reichstag fire" is still the excuse they use to build and keep "a wall" around the "People's House!!!"
Executive edicts continue to fly out of the White House in defiance of the will of the American people!!! ...How can you have a Republic when there is no "advise and consent" that was originally intended!?!?
We thought the Democrats liked to "have friends across the aisle"... ...Wild-eyed nutcases like the Cortez broad & her band of "Neo-Bolsheviks" accuse their Republican colleagues of conspiring to murder them!!!
Crazy Ole Bag Pelosi ratchets it up and calls her Republican colleagues "the enemy within!!!" ...The Left are quite the "uniters" aren't they!!!
There is nothing "divine or scared" about the Capitol building!!! ...It is just our place of government... AND THEY BEST START DOING THE PEOPLE'S BUSINESS!!!
Something sacred!?!? The American People are sacred!!!
Callous "Killer Cuomo" is responsible for senicide!!! ...The true horror of his atrocity is finally starting to come out!!!
CALL IT THE "CCP VIRUS!!!" ...It was an act of war!!!
Hedge funds are nothing but market manipulation entities for the "non-productive ultra rich" and they got what they had coming this week... ...But, their Wall Street buddies collude to lessen their losses and illegally block the "free commerce" of the American People!!! ...Don't ever tell us about a supposed "free market..."
The Durham investigation is a prolonged joke... ...No convictions will come of the rampant "system-wide" governmental corruption...
Shelby Steele scoffs at the idea of "systemic racism" in America...
John of SI admits he believes in "climate change..." ..."Spring, Summer, Fall & Winter..."
When the Democrats talk about "shovel ready jobs" they are always just shoveling their BS...
TRP audience favorite "deep thinking" Don of PA calls in... ...He wisely compares the QAnon rabble to the Bolshevik's "Operation Trust..."
Frank tells everyone in the TRP FAITHFUL to "BUCKLE UP!!!" ...The great Bob of PA promises to call in next week!!! ...John From Conn must have apologized after the "putting Bob on hold" controversy...
Live Friday's 8:00 Eastern. Your Phone Calls and much much more!!! @ 1-718-761-9996!