TRP! (7/23/21)

- The "Media Criminals" went hog-wild over Big Ego Anti-Trumper Jeff Bozos as he traveled to the edge of space for 11 minutes... (2.54 million per minute...) ...what a hero!!! ...Now how about doing something meaningful like treating your employees better...
- Frank remembers the truly great 1976 Olympics...
- "Treaties are like pie crusts... they are made to be broken..." --Vladimir Lenin
- "Sino-Bolshevik China is a hungry beast that will never be satisfied..."
- The low-life scum in Hollywood are in bed with China!!! ...Oh no there are no crimes against humanity happening over there...
- "Bolshevism is slavery!!!"
- Always beware when the Left uses the term "united front..."
- Why is no one calling the Sino-Bolsheviks "imperialists!?!?" ...Chinese "colonialists!!!" ...Where are the boycotts???
- "Corporations and their blood money have no morality..."
- When will the Left's next Reichstag fire begin???
- John wanted to smack that phony cowboy hat off Bozos' head...
- John plays many soundbites to validate all they have been saying about the Leftist faux insurrection & stolen election...
- Steve Cortes catches up to TRP on South Africa... takes Frank's theme that, "South Africa's present is our future..."
- As far as total prosperity... were the South African people better under Apartheid!?!?
- George H. W. Bush sold South Africa down the river...
- Pavlik Morozov became a powerful icon in the pantheon of Communist saints, a child-martyr worshiped for his feat of heroism: informing on his father...
- "The FBI (KGB) was in on the "attempted kidnapping" of Dim Whitmer... ...They also helped instigate January 6th..."
- The illegally fleeing Texas Legislative Dems bring their version of the plague to the national Neo-Bolsheviks in DC creating a "super-spreader event" we all actually can appreciate...
- 270 Leftist riots over the last year... ...AND ALWAYS Remember the appalling Leftist insurrection on the White House on MAY 30th when 22 secret service members ended up in the hospital!!!
- The ongoing battle with George the Atheist comes to a head in a private email battle with John & Frank...
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