WSR!!! Wurrrrrld Solutrean Radio: Solutreanism & Western culture UPDATE!!!
Frank predicts Joe Manchin will vote against BBB (big bag of bullshit) and there will be a move to draft him and make him a frontrunner for President...
The "Crooked Ole Bitch" has plans to run again herself...
Paraphrasing Maximus Decimus Meridius, "Thomas Jefferson had a dream that was these United States and this is NOT IT. ...THIS IS NOT IT!!!"
With inflation running rampant under the Biden regime Americans may be forced to barter for goods...
Look at what "the cancer of Socialism" did to Venezuela... ...The Democrats want that here... ...They want to destroy lives and this country!!!
Orwellian names like the "Affordable Care Act" & "Build Back Better" are NOT fooling us...
The dopey Dem talking point is still "the Republicans aren't for anything..." ...LOL! ...John rattles the short list off the top of his head...
The Voting Rights Act equals "anybody can vote..." ...illegal invader... ...dead people... as long as they vote Democrat... ...Crazy Ole Joe Stalin Biden actually admits publically just like Stalin that "it's really those that count the votes that matter!!!"
The Democrats are the "Enemy Within!!!"
Laura Ingraham talks about what we have been saying for years... ...That the DEMs want to restrict your freedom by taking away the automobile...
John From Conn calls in at the end of the show very frustrated over George's lack of knowledge about the jab and the disturbing misinformation he was spreading... ...John promises a Steve from Taxachusetts appearance to counter George's NY Times inspired drivel...
LIVE Friday's 8:00 Eastern. Your Phone Calls and much much more!!! @ 1-718-761-9996!