The Senile ole bastard is in Saudi Arabia and he doesn't know how he got there... ...But, he's told he needs to beg them for oil...
Joe Biden is a creature of the DC swamp and he's surrounded by suck asses that are running the country for him and let's face it they don't know their asses from their elbows!!!
Every Leftist crackpot theory is based on the incoherent insanity "Neo-Bolshevism!!!"
Like it or not Leftist scum you are a "lifetime prisoner of your chromosomes!!!"
The Left creates an alternate vocabulary for their alternate universe-- one based on BS that has no basis in reality!!!
Disrupting and dismantling the fabric of society is the desire of every "Neo-Bolshevik!!!"
The Left wants to wipe out anyone that has a difference of opinion!!!
We prune the tree of liberty-- the "Neo-Bolsheviks" chop it down!!!
Josh Hawley takes on a very nasty & hostile "Neo-Bolshevik" that believes men can get pregnant... ...Josh! just call a crackpot a crackpot and a spade a spade!!!