TRP! (12/2/22)

- Kayne West & Nick Fuentes (who?) pulled a sneak attack on DJT the greatest president Past, Present, & FUTURE!!!
- What colour is Kayne West!?!? ...He is now a "white supremacist" to the Left!!! ...To us he remains a "black anti-Semite!!!"
- We are living in Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four!!!
- The Democrat party is the "Chinese colonialist party!!!"
- Nike is a corporate traitor!!!
- Black nationalists like Crap-in-a-can foolishly admire Hitler...
- Our heroic little yellow brothers are standing up to the "Sino-Bolshevik" monsters!!!
- These poor people were welded shut in their apartments... they were in "living tombs!!!"
- Bolshevism attracts homicidal maniacs, serial killers, sadists, brutalitarians, abusers, & any type of mass murderer...
- The Biden regime is fighting climate change by buying oil from Venezuela!!!
- Chiang Kai-shek was the George Washington of Asia... ...Hail Free Taiwan!!!
- Leftist tyranny is on the march in Chiii-na!!! ...Chiii-na's society breaking down...
- Stolen Election 2.0!!! ...Stop the steal 2.0!!!
- Frank discusses the real Cleopatra...
LIVE Friday's 8:00 Eastern. Your Phone Calls and much much more!!!