According to DickDurbin, Neocon scum Kevin McCarthy INSISTED on pushing this "Debt Deal" (a.k.a. the royal stiffing of the American people) through January 2025!!! Got that? McCarthy intentionally gave away ALL YOUR LEVERAGE for the next two years, AND with NO DOLLAR LIMIT!
The nasty old fool falls on his ass at the Air Force Academy... We heard cheers!!!
Frank thinks it was yet another ischemic attack...
DJT is going to take a machete to the swamp and they know it!!!
The Left, the Uniparty establishment, the Media Criminals, the deep state, the swamp creatures, Hollywood, & academia all hate DJT because they fear him!!!
The FBI is now admitting it has a document evidencing then-Vice President Joe Biden took a foreign bribe. So brace for an indictment soon!!! ...of President Trump From Garland Special Counsel Jack Smith. For “obstruction.” To deflect and protect Biden...
When the Left takes over they always steal people's wealth with promises to redistribute it... But, the Leftist leadership is always the only ones that truly benefit!!!
Remember the “white supremacist” who rammed a UHaul near the WH gates & had a Nazi flag? Well it turns out the same DC prosecutors who imprison peaceful J6’ers for years have dropped all major charges against this Indian immigrant... Sounds like a cover up!!!
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