Hail the Patriot 20 that were able to secure: a Term Limits Bill, Single subject bills, an End to all Chiii-na virus Mandates and emergency funding, a Texas border plan, a budget that stops an increase in the debt ceiling and holds the Senate accountable, 72 hours to read a bill...
Bottom line: A privilege motion was achieved (supersedes all other business except adjournment) that takes only one movant. If invoked, McCarthy would need a majority of 218 to STAY as Speaker. This effectively neuters McCarthy. The original 20 have a pact that if McCarthy does anything outside his promises, they will vote to not retain and he’s gone.
With this rules package, the 20 have achieved an historic accountability oversight and check on leadership and the Speaker’s power. I would consider this a TOTAL WIN for Gaetz & Co, the MAGA movement, and therefore America!!!
PLUS: JUSTICE FOR Ashlii!!! We will have the “Babbitt Committee” investigation of the FBI & DOJ’s corruption!!! ...Make sure history never forgets Ashli Babbitt, an unarmed female Veteran patriot, was murdered by her own corrupt gov’t!!! ...SAY HER NAME!!!
READ! & think for yourself!!! ...Don't parrot some idiot on talk radio or the NY Times!!!
Despicable Neo-Con Lincolnian pirate Crenshaw was at it again!!!
LIVE Friday's 8:00 Eastern. Your Phone Calls and much much more!!!